Want to Find the Perfect Date/Mate? Go Back to School for Kemistry One Ohhh One!!

Tired of the dating scene? Are you frustrated because the men or women you meet are just boring or flaky or just clueless? You want to meet someone interesting, intelligent, fun and with a sense of humor but you can’t seem to find anyone. No matter how many blind dates, bars, speed dating events you go to, you might never meet the person you want to meet.
Instead — go back to school. Really it’s not school. It’s not even a class, but it a lesson in KEMISTRY– personal chemistry between men and women– regardless if you are single, partnered, married, divorced, young or old.
KEMISTRY ONE OHHH ONE is a unique special way of meeting someone– making a stranger a friend — in a very short period of time.
Through a bit of improv, games, goofiness, chat and fun, Spike, Sexy Lexy and Fireman will give you the tools, ideas and mindset to get yourself out there and meet someone amazing!

What is Kemistry One Ohhh One?? It’s many things– check out the video. I went to an awesome event of theirs but the talk was really *candid* and a bit crazy and so it’s not a suitable video.
Kemistry One OHHH One– Class is in Session

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Stevie Wilson

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