Mo Rocca Asks What Do YOU Do When You Run Out of Something?

Mo Rocca has some pretty interesting insightful (if not pretty funny) questions.
He’s back asking what YOU do when you run out of something critical like toothpaste, mouthwash, toilet paper, butter, dog food, milk, something essential?
Isn’t it so frustrating to realize that you need that roll of toilet paper? How about when you are ready for that bowl of oatmeal or cereal and your milk-carton is bone-dry.

According to Mo Rocca, Bank of America won’t leave you hanging by a thread, without a leg (or stool) to stand on. It’s light is always on to provide the overdraft protection.
Sounds corny but it’s true. Note you do pay for it. It’s not the Bank of Dad!
Stevie Wilson

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