Living in a Perfect World: A Voice From the Inside! Control of the Stream

From the blog, Living in a Perfect World

Control of the Stream:

Seeking relief from the demon who applies pressure to my life. Seeking to escape his grasp. Seeking to transcend his sight. To dwell in the light, higher than that of ordinary vision. Cataclysmic collisions of memories past stain the day with red.
At last, releasing me from my terror and in the act of raising my head and opening my eyes, I realize the truth in all its’ finality.
I cannot escape the demon.; I cannot escape that pressure, that grasp, that sign, because it is I who applies the pressure. It is I who holds on so tightly. It is I who sees right through me. Now I understand…. I am the demon who exists. I am the reason for all the plagues my dreams and I will never be able to destroy myself. Traveling that road will only lead to a dead end.
In this truth of darkness, I find hope for the light ahead. One cannot exist without the other. In addition to being the demon of darkness, I am also the angel of light. I am the destruction and reconstitution of this ethereal stream.
The deciding factor in my life is the will that I possess. The choices I make will bring realm, heaven or hell to bear upon my path. It will not matter who came before me or what God will remain at the completion of my passing because the only part of me which will persist is that which my actions will dictate.
Where this will end is a story yet to be written; a choice yet to be made. Where it began is not for me to say, but where this battle for my soul will be fought is now clear. Here in this moment, in this mind, the struggle continues. A struggle between two animals– which animal wins will depend on which one is fed the most. My anger is strong but I have a feeling my compassion will win the day.

What’s your “perfect world”?
Thank you to and Jeheshua for these posts.
Stevie Wilson,, inc.

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