Digging the Natural Beauty of Spouting Horn in Lawaii + MORE!

Some of the best stuff to do in Kauai– or any of the islands involves more than getting into the ocean–though that’s a key part of living the island life. One of the cool natural wonders of Kauai is located in the southern region of island near a great restaurant, the botanical gardens as well as some amazing homes too. Despite the twists and turns to get to the Spouting Horn- a natural sea geyser–, it’s definitely worth the time and trouble because it’s a not to be missed wonder of both earth and ocean.

The basic shot of the Spouting Horn

Western shot from the Spouting Horn

Long shot of the shoreline looking east beyond Spouting Horn– condos, homes and one amazing restaurant– The Beach House.


Some shots of the Spouting Horn geyser capturing the sunlight just “right” and seeing the rainbow

Below is a close-up of the western view from Spouting Horn. This area is not available for tourists to actually walk on the lava rocks because it’s always wet, and extremely dangerous for swimmers.


The ferocity of the ocean across the island is not to be underestimated–there are several areas where swimming, snorkeling and surfing just are not allowed because of deaths that have occurred. If you go to Kauai, watch the signs and note the areas where it’s safe to swim.