The Doves Studio’s Christopher Dove Talks about & Demos Wella’s New Hair Styling Line!!

This is the last — and most important — part of the Wella/Doves Studio video with Christopher Dove.
While Christopher took a lot of care to dry my hair and put in loose waves and curls, I know my hair– it’s never going to hold a curl that long without getting frizzy. (Heck when I left that day, it was starting to drizzle).

Christopher Dove Demos the new Wella Consumer Hair Styling Line! from stevie wilson on Vimeo.

However the products that Christopher used from the new Wella line changed all that!! WOW! What a great collection. That “mango product” at the end– that’s a must have! My hair looked amazing. Plus when I did the style the next day (the real proof that the products deliver is when you have to do it yourself), I got close to what Christopher did and a lot more curl out of my hair. It was really different and I liked it. I like the way the products worked. Wella has created a line that really delivers and the concept of less is more– is the real trick to using them.

Christopher Dove/ The Doves Studio, & me!!

Thank you to Wella, The Doves Studio and Christopher Dove for the how-to session on Wella’s great new line.
Want great hair? You need Wella!!

Stevie Wilson,

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