Want to Know If Someone’s Going to Lie to You? Lisa Greenfield Tells You How!!

It would be lovely in life to know that everyone you know, work with or socialize with is telling you the truth. But that’s not the reality of life. But there are ways, tricks, techniques and tips to figure out who might be more truthful and who is more likely to fib and skirt the truth!

Lisa Greenfield
is a hand analyst — and quite talented at what she does– and she has some tips on how you can read about the person you are with and what kind of person they are. She can help you learn about yourself.

How to Tell Who Is a Liar– the details from Lisa Greenfield! from stevie wilson on Vimeo.

Have you ever wondered why people have such individual hands? After all, it’s hands that give us the most visibly unique feature we each have – our fingerprints. There is a world of information in body language, but let’s concentrate right now on the richest available source – You guessed it – these fascinating features on the end of our arms.

All those lines, shapes and colors actually tell you a great deal about the inner workings of the person wearing those features. Knobby fingers belong to the more intellectually curious individuals. Smooth round fingers belong to the more artistically inclined and bent fingers, well watch out! I put together a little video to show you more about how valuable the information ‘on hand’ can be – particularly when it comes to reading the person across from you.

Take two minutes and start checking your friends. Now truth be told, most of us have a little of the ‘diplomat’ in us and will edit an unkind truth for those we love. See how to tell the difference between that and the less polite lies…

And if you still want more, go play with my free online Hand Analysis at MyTruthinHand.com. In less than five minutes you can find out more about the secrets your hands can tell about YOU

Learn from Lisa Greenfield, Hand Analyst,

Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com

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