Winding Down the Week: Tarot for Day 7: What’s the Story with Today’s Card? Lisa Greenfield Shares!

We have an epic Super Moon Monday at 5:52am with a theme of what we consider valuable, the power it has over us and what nurtures us and feeds us. While this Taurus Moon rules the material things we have to comfort us, shelter us, nurture usthe Scorpio Sun reminds us all things shift and change. Nothing remains exactly the same.

How are you doing the big or small endings and beginnings in your world is the question this week. And the Astrology and cards say slowly, slowly learn to release some things to make space for the new.

Our minds may seem to change in a flash but our bodies, our physical world moves at a slower pace. Get to know your own particular rhythm for change this week. It helps maintain balance in a world shifting in all kinds of interesting ways.

Where do you require more compassion? Where do you require more courage? Whatever is your weak spot will most likely show its face for you to help balance and gain strength.

Have your own questions, worries, fears about the future? You can get personalized answers in your customized session with Lisa Here.

Or if you want to receive these cards in your inbox each week instead of checking back here on Monday, then it’s easy. I’ll add you to the weekly email list and get it to you each week when you let me know that you want it Here.

The video appears just once per on and I provide you the link back to the video in each daily card post in case you need to see Lisa Greenfield’s very specific insights almost live on or

Card for Day 7


The Sun: REVERSED (reversed means it should be showing upside down)


Wow, the astrology and the cards line up today! With Uranus in the picture, it’s a lightning bolt of clarity that you can look for. The Sun speaks to gradual change. With it upended there will be the shadow to contend with, what we don’t like to see. But along with that shadow side of us or our world there will also be shockingly sudden change that flips a big spotlight on something important. Make space and time for quality alone time today if you can.
When it’s an opportunity for this big an ‘aha’, you may want to be grounded for it. Or if it feels right to have a friend, they may help usher in that conversation that flips that switch.

Take Action:

Plant your bare feet on the ground today and take three deep breaths. Feel your connection to this planet, millions of years old. Know you are supported in change.

Wishing you a wonderful week with TruthinHand!

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at


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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!

Stevie Wilson,




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