sorry to have been so scarce. It’s been deadline time and I have been totally  wiped .. actually I think someone was using ME as the mop to clean the floor of articles and stuff

anyway, More on the party  later. I will try to take some photos. The digital camera died today.. it was an ignominious death.. and one that will be remembered – for wiping things out at the last minute so that I have no ability to take photos of the party. I do have some other cameras but those have film that has to be processed. <sigh> What’s a girl to do?
What’s the occasion you might ask?

I typically throw a holiday party about this time of year but didn’t last year due to deadlines. I am somewhat known for my parties– great martinis, good food, even better conversation and guests. It’s a great mix of people because I  usually invite EVERYONE I know… or almost everyone.

This party was truly more off the cuff. Many people were asking my significant other (AKA SO)  about the party  that he came home and said I *had* to do another party. Well OK then!!

I got busy — and juggling in between garage sales, deadlines and other appts, it’s been up to the earlobes with work and stuff to do (not to mention shop for gifts!) . I love to send out invitations but I didn’t have enough time. I gave the SO a stack of invites and some to my daughter and said– hand them out if you want any of your friends to come.

I integrated my evite lists and invited EVERYONE on the lists from 2 email addresses– and that’s a LOT of people . Even culling down some that I knew wouldn’t come or had moved or had new email addresses, it was still more than 85 people.

Let’s see who shows up! I do a pot luck for appetizers and desserts but order a ton of catered food too. I mix the martinis myself and I love  coming up with new concoctions.. I love working with Hpnotiq and also Bacardi flavored rums. Malibu Rum is a fave too along with a slew of fruit juices, syrups and things like limeade!! I

Depending on how creative I get, I can make something that looks like a fourth of July sparkler or something that looks like swampwater but tastes amazingly good.

I have tons of fruit trays, veggie trays, crackers and cheese, salsa, & chips (love those guac chips) along with some of the premium flavored Godiva chocolates (the ones with great little fillings like Orange Passion and PBJ..  I am sorry I LOVE chocolate!)

What’s weird about this date is that 1) we thought it was the boat parade night when we sent out the invites.. but it’s not. It’s the regular Christmas parade for our area tonight. Because of impacted parking where we live, that’s actually a good thing.

The other weird thing is that today is the USC and UCLA face-off in football. This cross-town rivalry is going to be vicious and there are lots of people who want to see this grudge match play out because both teams are amazing this year.  So for the first time ever,  we are leaving the TV on to watch the game–so no great music till the game is over. My SO didn’t want to do that at first but when I told him it was better than everyone sneaking up to our bedroom to watch the big screen TV, he relented (gratefully I must add) to leaving it on since he’s been following SC and of course I am rooting for the other side (GO BLUE!!!)   so it’s going to be a noisy party right off the bat.

Most people show up about 30 mins late and today is no exception but I MUST get off the computer now so that I can go mix some drinks..

Catch ya later with more updates

*** here’s the updates.. oy.. UCLA got run over like so much roadkill. Now it’s time for USC to do the same to Texas at the  Rose Bowl. It was really tragic.. hard to watch and you just had to step aside and say USC was truly the much better team

Back to the party! I had ordered a slew of appetizers (veggies,  meat/cheese platters, fruit, dips, crackers, chips, hot dips) and people brought dessert! (and lots of it) From home-baked cookies and killer brownies to amazing ganached topped chocolate cakes and chocolate mousse cheesecake, pies,  cream cheese based coffee cakes and these adorable/sinful cheesecake cupcakes. .. plus candy, candied nuts, and lots more. Let’s just say that NO ONE is getting on the scale today.

Here’s the drink of the day that everyone wanted– ok. TWO drinks

1) the less popular but easier to do

Champagne (the better the champagne, the better this tastes) mixed with sparkling pomegranite juice from Langers.  This new addition to the non alcoholic beverages is terrific and it makes the traditional champagne less boring and much more festive.

2) the Happy Holidays martini! (another personal creation)
when people come over, I always offer them a martini– never a straight one though I do have the gin, vodka and vermouth along with olives.. The regular ones are too potent and not so much fun. I do fun "sweet" creative drinks.
I typically start with vodka, rum and some other brews.. here’s the recipe for Happy Holidays

Hpnotiq — yes this is blue.. that’s ok! It’s a great base to work with and has some vodka in it so you don’t need as much of any other type of vodka.  how much you needs depends on how many drinks you are making. I tend to do it by the glass and so think of it as by the finger. One finger of Hpnotiq.

Bacardi Coco Rum — another favorite to offer some tropical hints to the drink — again one finger
Malibu Mango Rum— for that fruity bit that I love– another finger
Grey Goose Vodka  or any brand that you like. It needs to be smooth–one finger or maybe a smidge less
FYI, all the alcohol is poured OVER ICE to keep it chilling
Then I start adding the juices to tweak the blend
Guava Juice (either refrigerated or in the can –either way is fine) a couple of ounces
Ruby Red Grapefruit/Tangerine Juice.. doesn’t matter the brand– try at least 1 ounce
Pom Pomegranite Juice –try the straight pomegranite flavor or try the pomegranite/cherry blend.. YUM–about 1-1.5 ounces
Here’s the secret ingredient–  Langers Sparkling Pomegranite Juice makes this cocktail a deep ruby red and it’s perfect for the holidays. It’s sparkling so it gives a bit of Fizz and FUN to the drink and it makes the martini very festive. It’s definitely a fun, sweet, drink but it sneaks up on you! So drink and drive responsibly!

Everyone had such a great time that parents kept their kids up far longer than expected–skipping naps and generally the party didn’t end for another 2 hours past the stated ending time — which means everyone had a great time! (Plus there was a lot of empty food plates too!)

that’s the LA Party Story



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