Not for Eyes Only.. but FYLO

Lip colors, glosses and products for lips aren’t new. Palettes aren’t new either  but they are certainly fun to have.. except for those couple of colors that you don’t use and sit there in the palette virtually unused .. and they stare at you–making you feel guilty..  I have had more than may share of buying products like this and you wish you could cut those things out or just select colors you would use. I know my BFFs and I have done just that–dug things out of palettes, created new palettes and pots just so that we could not feel like we are wasting precious– paid for!– product!

Now perfectly timed for the holidays is  FYLO–  for your lips only.. a new set of lip colors, glosses, treatment, pencils and  palettes where  you  select the colors and textures you want and you can pop these little squares of color into a palette . The palettes  AKA cubicles  neatly  nold  2 or 4 squares  of product. Buy a brush, a pencil and you are perfectly st for travel– even if it’s just to run errands and have coffee with a girlfriend. These lovely little cublcles  come in minis (2 squares) or regular (4 squares) and have slots for the pencils and the brushes that you need.

These cubicles have different patterns and the newest one –Snowflake– is perfect for holiday gift giving– because it’s a mini priced at $10. The larger ones  run about $14 and come in 3 patterns.

The lip products are carefully formulated to provide a nice rich balance of color along with essential oil aromatherapy along with moisturizers that will help soften and heal lips .

Hit  FYLO ‘s website ( and check out the colors which are neatly laid out with swatches and descriptions. Ditto the glosses. Each run about $8 for a little square and give you tremendous color and feel for the price. Plus it’s not going to mess up your bag  because the cap came off or the tube broke. . (It happened to me this week. UGH what a mess and irritating that the lids can’t stay on too).

Created by Heidi Harris, a world class musician –and make-up junkie– she is passionate about providng a useful product that she could use while playing concerts that would keep her lips looking and feeling good.  Heidi’s line is a winner and she’s sold  in a few stores that are listed on her website as well as online. However she has been doing huge box office biz at trunk shows at Henri Bendel.  Tiny products and product lines don’t often sell out but Heidi did huge business and will be back again soon.

Here’s what I love about Heidi’s site.. (she’s very accessible and helpful. Check out her diary)– in the FAQ section of the site, she offers suggestions of colors that would work for different skintones so you can order online and be pretty confident that you aren’t making a mistake!

As you wrap up your shopping for the season or prep for New Year’s Eve or even thinking about Valentine’s Day (( eeek! did I just say that? Smack me please!), make sure you  get a couple of these babies — and keep one for you and stock up on some squares of color! Perfect for when you feel like a new lip color or just want to use something new to brighten your look

See you at the FYLO counter!



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