GAP ROCK COLOR Tour Bus Hits Pasadena Summer Fest!! Fashiontribes Fashion Blog and Podcast

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Hey, it’s Memorial Day weekend and it’s time to PAR-TAY!! Hope you are having a great one. It’s the kick-off of summer and GAP’s ROCK SUMMER TOUR BUS is hitting all the hot spots here in LA!! The bus stopped on Robertson,

Hermosa Beach,

Santa Monica Pier,

More Santa Monica Pier, Long Beach (not far from moi) but unfortunately no photos,

Venice Beach,

MORE Venice Beach, Santa Barbara at UCSB and now at Pasadena’s Summerfest at the Rose Bowl which continues tomorrow, Memorial Day.

Heres’ the journal that Eric’s been sending to us for you to keep up with the GAP GANG!

First stop-the budding beauty of Long Beach
We were smack in the middle of the Pike…the hot new
shopping area
Lots of hustle & bustle, lots curiousity seekers
And lots of invitations to come back for the
weekend….the citywide celebration of Gay Pride
We’re here, let’s cheer, maybe next year
With a fond farewell, hugged goodbye.

Next stop-the sunny, seaside town of Hermosa Beach
Talk about right place, right time, perfect people
We hit our spot as the surfers hit their waves
And the joy kept spreading all day long
The moon, stars, planets, and bars were all lined
up…sales were HUGE & the love was on fire.
Sundresses, reversible skirts, straw hats, & hoodies
were flying out the door. T’s, tanks, and
boardshorts…more, more, more.
We caught the town by surprise….and could’ve stayed
all weekend.
But we needed to share the surprise…and the love
So as the sun set, we bid adieu
Goodbye, Hermosa, we will miss you

Aaah, back to beloved Santa Monica Pier.
We couldn’t get enough…so we came back for more
But this time, on an amazing Saturday, when everyone
was out to enjoy themselves….and we were there to
help them along
"LOVE LOVE LOVE this bus….so smart, so fun, so
Well, thank you.
"Whoever thought of this is a GENIUS!!!!"
Well, thank you, again.
(of course I accepted her praise on behalf of
everyone..ha ha)
Volleyball, rollerblading, bicycling, walking
They came from far away and right around the corner.
From Holland to Hermosa ("I saw you all yesterday….I
wanted to bring my friend back to see. It’s sooo
Thanks. We like it, too
Santa Monica rocked, the bus rocked, we all rocked
But this ain’t nothin….
Little did we know what tomorrow would bring
(but do any of us know, really, what tomorrow shall

Hip Hop slamming, college kids jamming, here we are,
oh my.
The bass pounded, the posse surrounded, the roof was
ready to fly.
(and thank goodness it didn’t…the rain was a
constant, just like the beat)
The kids loved us. By the time the music started, our
beads & buttons were spread out across the stadium
We played to the beat for as long as we could, but in
the end, Mother Nature tagged us out.
We made it known that we were here.
And all the kids liked our cool.
So another day done, another moment of fun shared
across the land.
The bus keeps a ROCK’IN, we keep a shock’in, full of
surprises & cheer
We’re a comin, keep it strummin, Thurs’ almost here.

Great day to all

This is the final days of the LA part of the tour and the tour bus is about to head to the east coast and go to GAP CENTRAL- AKA HQ!!! So check out the podcast to find out exactly where the ROCK SUMMER TOUR BUS is going to be.  The sound is kind of crazy because Eric is at the Rose Bowl with the bus (he’s the Gap Tour Bus Director-a real sweetheart!! cute too!)

Eric sent me a copy of his Pasadena journal and I had to include it here. He’s great to work with as is everyone else in the GAP BUS TOUR Crew including Erica and the gang. There are so many people, that I don’t remember everyone’s names —sorry!!!


It’s a wrap….

WOW…what a week

From Santa Monica to Santa Barbara to the glorious San

Francisco, we have spread the word all along the


The buzz had built until it was splitting at the

seams. (are those long & lean seams….it seems like they


GAP, Inc had heard all about us…now they were ready

to see it for themselves.

What did they see?

They saw the joy, the exuberance, the warm embrace of

our bus family.   AND A ROCK’IN GOOD TIME

With love all around them…and around their necks,

they emerged into the light and found their way up our


And into our colorful vibe.

From the first sighting on the bridge, til ‘she’

greeted one & all at their doorstep…the energy, the

spirit covered every corner, washed over every window.

Smiles, smiles, smiles for everyone.

Would you like a button to go with that smile?

Have two. Take three. And they did.

(if love were the currency…we’d be a very rich


They lived it, loved it, asked if we could come back

every day.

So we came back Friday.

Across the loudspeaker came the call….’hear ye, hear

ye,…there’s a party on the plaza..’ and the bus was

bumping….with the line 10 deep.

We’ve brought the store to you.

‘Thank you.’

You are welcome.

We waved so long, and hit the road…Pasadena was

expecting us.

And how.

3 days of jazz, jamm’in, and jillions of people from

all over the city & state.

We were there to greet them.

Welcome, one & all…you, and you, and you.

Young, old, family, friends.

Hip, not so hip…all out to enjoy & honor.

We were honored to share the experience.

The sun has set on LA…with a new day ready to begin

in the East.

Thank you to everyone who has added their own unique

color to our social experiment.

It is about the people, people.

Listening to what they say, watching what they

wear…expressions of self….through fashion & music,

family & focus.

Feeling their vibe,

Sharing their journey,

rock’in their color

All I gotta say is….


(enjoy the ride)

Peace out,


(gosh another person who actually says "peace out" .. more than just JACK (that styrofoam headed HB joint guy ) and me — what a novelty) Here’s  a shot of three of the people who worked that bus.. the bottom guy is Eric .See, I told you he was cute!

Check out the podcast because Eric is telling you where to find them today, tomorrow and starting 6/5 on the East Coast.

So have a great weekend and don’t forget to hit the GAP to see if you can win tickets to any of these GREAT concerts. 

It’s truly an LA Story..  And there’s more coming at you from the East Coast and Gap and Fashiontribes’ LA STORY bring you the  "east coast vibe" of the GAP ROCK SUMMER Bus Tour–from NYC to the Hamptons, from concert to concert, we will have the latest 411 for you from GAP and the ROCK SUMMER 2006

Peace Out!


LA Story .


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