Common Scents? Beauty Buzz Blog!

So I am waiting to get my blood drawn AGAIN since the idiots at the lab neglected to do one of the tests I had my blood drawn for LAST week and as I sit with vein exposed, the phlebotomist asks me, “What’s that perfume you’re wearing?” 

Perfume? It’s eight a.m.  I barely slapped on the minimal requirement for make-up so that I don’t frighten small children.  I’m not wearing any perfume.  What is it she smells?  Fear, perhaps?

Then it hits me.  After my morning shower, I slathered on some Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula lotion.  This is the “perfume” I was wearing.  The phlebotomist isn’t the only one who was enamored of the foody/beach scent—a former boyfriend told me he instantly thought of me whenever he encountered the creamy aroma of cocoa butter.  So much for “Windsong”—who knew a $5 bottle of moisturizer could inspire such devotion?  All this time I’ve been seeking a “signature scent” and it’s been sitting on my bathroom counter!

And, for what it’s worth, Palmer’s Skin Smoothing Lotion is a ringer for Thierry Mugler’s “Angel”—but at a fraction of the cost! 

You can shell out the big bucks at Sephora, but maybe, just maybe, that “signature scent” is something a little bit closer to home.  Ivory soap or Johnson’s Baby powder or maybe it’s your Herbal Essence shampoo that makes him think of you. 

Because sometimes, simpler is better.

Available at, major supermarkets, drugstores and mass market stores.

Stella Louise

Beauty Buzz.


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