Piaffe Silk Shimmer Shadows Will Have You Batting Those Lashes to Show Off Gorge Silky Shadows!Fashiontribes LA Story Gorgeous Peepers Blog!

Looking for something different in cosmetics  for New Years Eve but not so diferent that you can’t wear it a lot? That’s a big undertaking– because glitters  don’t work in the business world and sometimes they drop glitter pieces all over your face. Sigh.. what’s a girl to do?

Shimmer, NOT glitter! Shimmer shadows — particularly those with irridescence give you the vibe of a glitter without being over the top and can be worn daytime or nighttime. When worn with a matte shadow, they up the wattage of the matte look without being outrageous yet when worn by themselves or layered or applied wet, they become powerful in their ability to show depth and definition– while making your eyes look amazing– smokey yet not overpowered by the make-up.

Where to find such a shimmer shadow?


Doll, that’s why you are here talking to me. Check out Piaffe  Silk Shimmer Eye Shadows for amazingly silky texture that makes it smooth going on, won’t crease, lasts all day and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s phenomenal. The color range is perfect for day or night and you can blend and layer colors to create your own unique look with 12 colors .

Top Row: Pink Bloom, Amethyst, Dove, Gilt, Mahogany Apricot

Bottom Row:

Claret, Granite, Buff, Patina, Sienna, Citrus

These colors go on sheer but will build if you keep layering on color. Intensify colors even more by using them wet. They will last all day. Each bottle has its’ own built in applicator which makes it easy to touch up during the day and add a dab of water for more flash!

Check out the Piaffe website for more color cosmetics and amazing skincare. It’s an interesting line that hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves– but will because the products deliver!

Stevie Wilson

LA Story .


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