For All the Moms Out There– Here's a Real Haven for Frazzled Moms! LA STORY– Being a Mom is Hard WORK Blog

What’s a woman –aka a MOM — to do when she is frazzled? When she has questions but no one is around to ask. FORGET asking a man. Either he’s not there or he can’t give you the answer  you want or need. Men fix things (for better or worse) and then you have to figure out what the answer is that you originally intended.
Typically women turn to other women– but what if everyone is at  work, or soccer or busy or gone? Then turn on your computer and turn on the buzz there–

This nifty little site started by  –who else– two moms, can give you answers that you might need  to stuff about children, about your home, health, and even work. Some stuff might not apply but 10 to 1 you will learn something. Heck,  I learned stuff there and I was shocked at some of the health info I didn’t know   anything about and also some cool little kitchen tricks to keep me from turning stuff into smashed whatevers.

Honestly– did you know that used and beat up athletic shoes are recyclable? I didn’t!

There’s a wealth of information that you can get at themomsbuzzno matter if you are a mom, a dad, an extended family member, nanny or just a surrogate relative.. it’s worth checking out because these two women has sussed out the best, most current 411 out there. Smart ladies– they are sharing it with you. You can share back too if you like!

So join the group and subscribe to this cool little spot on the web– for all the latest info on kids, families, moms and more.

Stevie Wilson 


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