Get a Lower Calorie Version of Your Favorite Iced Coffee Beverage in Your Market!! Hot New Beverage In the Refrigerated Aisle

Catch the chill of your fave icy coffee drinks in a variety of yummy flavors without having to worry about excess sugar or calories. Sound too good to be true? Not any more! You can get the best of both worlds in lots of flavors thanks to a new product called Iced Spressos from New York Coffee Company– the first company to come out with a sugar free refrigerated ready to drink coffee beverage! There are a variety of flavors including Black, Caramel Dulce, American Vanilla, Mocha Mudslide, and Ultra Lite Expresso Latte.

Fast, easy, affordable and now sugar-free, how much better can it get! You can find it regional and national supermarket chains including A&;P, Pathmark , Fairway , Kings , and Ralphs.
Start requesting this NOW because you will want a lot of different flavors to try out. Think about it for your next party as well as something nifty with a little vodka or Kahlua mixed in! YUMMY!! for more info!
Stevie Wilson


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