Rock Summer 07.. Hot Music Hits Both Coasts. LA-Story Makin' The Nights Sing! Blog

If you know me, you know that I am all the things that you see in the graphic above.. but one choose one thing? Can’t do it– unless it’s music. I get picky about what I listen to and now this week is FABULOUS.. so much happening all in one week–
TUESDAY : West Coast is Humming.. courtesy of Plush Cafe (Fullerton) with a full bill of cool tunes.
7:30 : Josh Mohr an interesting presentation and should be a good opener as it’s a good fit for the rest.

8:15 Mike Vitale— you haven’t heard him — but you will. This guy has a low key but resonant sound that will find a way into your mind/heart/psyche.

9:00 Keaton Simons!!!! Keaton.. the man is a multi-faceted musician and it’s taking forever to edit the podcast because it’s so interesting (and L O N G too) so I am going to break it down into a relative bitesize pieces.. You should BE THERE. I will be!
9:45 Can I Kick It? — called Neo Soult Classics with that Hip Hop groove. Missing the myspace connection here but this one should be fun to round out an interesting night. Keaton will drive us CRAZY.. and the Can I Kick It? will kick us into gear and out the door. (sigh)
For those of you on the east coast, plan to stay up late because it’s going to rock courtesy of THE KIN and friends at the LUNA LOUNGE LUNA LOUNGE,
361 metropolitan ave, BROOKLYN, NY subway: L to bedford or lorimer/G to metropolitan
(PS.. THE KIN wrote this up so the words aren’t mine and while I know where the L is or the G I don’t know much about anything else except I like the music of everyonen on the bill)

7:30 opening BRIAN GROSZ’s CD release party. Now this would be fun.

photo courtesy of rich pinto/ dave bias
8:30– local effete esthetes: SPOTTISWOOD AND HIS ENEMIES ..

9:30— to avoid the notion that we are bohemian troubadors with a tendency toward pathos, THE KIN promise to ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF —
*** my comments here. I spent a chunk of time with these two and it was amazing. Interviewed and met them in LA and then when I was in NYC–well it’s a L O N G story but let’s just say I saw a lot of the countryside and I have some fab photos and great interviews and had lots of fun that still has me smiling.
(oh didn’t hear about that did ya! Well there will be blog posts and maybe even some live podcasts to talk about Stevie’s adventures in NYC — with a twinkle in her eye no less.. So hang on for the ride– it’s not for the timid!)

10:30– THE SAD LITTLE STARS (with our very own RILEY on guitar) will play to celebrate the release of their fabulous new CD, THE STOP-MOTION BREAKDOWN
So no pathos.. just music in every kind of configuration and wish I could hop a plane to catch this gig, grab my bffs Patricia and Anita and we would be rocking.. and having a fine time in Brooklyn. (I will be back. I promise. I am already making plans and knowing what part of town I need to tear up next!)
Back to the West Coast:

THURSDAY 8 PM Viento y Agua Cafe and Gallery (Long Beach) , Mike Vitale hits it solo at this cool little groove of a cafe that will be packed as the locals love him. .. he suits the beachy meets boho mood of the area.
Back to the East Coast

photo courtesy of Marie Bargas (done in LA)
SATURDAY NIGHT– LATE LATE LATE .. Ok boys and girls, stay up really late to catch
Thorry and Isaac Koren of THE KIN playing (post Saturday Night Live) THE GREAT DIVIDE – on FEARLESS TV (FOX5) – (now that’s NYC Channel 5.. and find out if it’s hitting the LA channel so you can catch them). (I will find you there… inside joke)
so my friends.. you need to be at one of these places if not all.. depending on which coast you are on..If I could charter a jet to take me everywhere I would be everywhere this week.
Catch the wave of wild eyed music and groove on in
Stevie Wilson


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