Get the HOT FUZZ DVD for the Fab Fun Film Experience. LA-Story DVD Rave blog

If you saw Shaun of the Dead (film by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright), you are in for a treat and if you NEVER saw it, now you will want to because the entire team from the Shaun of the Dead flick, a UK “low profile” flick, released Hot Fuzz earlier in 2007 to theaters and now it’s available on DVD starting July 31.
This is one hilarious film!! It’s definitely got the UK bite, wit and comedy nailed down tight as well as providing a serious action component well threaded with a plot — unlike most cop films. Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright watched EVERY action film available (every single cop, shoot em up, action flick) to get their bead on that genre. Guess it worked because they have produced what I consider the penultimate cop flick (and I am a HUGE Dirty Harry fan.. I have seen just about every cop flick around. Yeah I know, I know.. Why would a girl do that? I have a bit of machisma in me. Go figure!)

This is a film to be shared with anyone- except little kids because it’s rated R for some violence.. and the special effects are pretty graphic and the language gets a bit salty. The casting is perfection– including Timothy Dalton as a cheesy, sleazy market owner.

The key to this film as well as Shaun of the Dead is that the collaboration of the crew– director/screenwriter, Edgar Wright who looks far younger than the photo below when he’s clean-shaven.

The crew -including actors, director, cinematographers, costume, grips, makeup and more have worked together for about 10 years so their relationships allow them to build a movie faster and tighter; Plus unlike most filmmakers, Wright and his cast rehearse quite a bit to make sure that any improvised bits are “caught” and written into the script as the characters develop and it allows both Pegg and Frost to really move deeply into character and makes the movie more believeable as a living breathing entity.

There is an interview with Director Edgar White and actor Nick Frost on if you want to check it out as part of the review of this movie.
I highly recommend this flick. You will be laughing and also deeply involved in the movie. Make sure you watch all the extras in the movie too– there’s some incredible extras that are well worth seeing
You can find Hot Fuzz available at
This is definitely a movie to see more than once to get all the subtle bits and the special cameos hidden in the film.
Stevie Wilson

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