SKIN SPA– Celeb Medi-Spa Secret Grand Opening in Valley Village!'s Get A Great Deal BLOG!

For those in the know (mostly celebs), the reason why they hit Vegas isn’t for the night life– it’s for the skincare treatments that they can get at a fraction of the Beverly Hills prices– with the same high quality aestheticians and md treatments. (Read this blog completely!)
Now one of the BEST of Las Vegas is moving to the San Fernando Valley– in Valley Village and is having a not so secret open house.
Renee Echt, Medical Esthetician to the stars has been perfecting the faces of high-profile Las Vegans, and is now bringing her expertise to the Los Angeles area with the “Perfector”.
In the US, the stars’ secret began in New York, then quickly spread by word of mouth to the West Coast. Recently discovered by the media, the Perfector has been seen on Oprah as well as in news reports on ABC and FOX, in magazines like Marie Claire, Elle, in the Sunday Times and The New York Post. The Perfector is a cutting edge technology that is rapidly taking the place of plastic surgeries and painful face lifts. This procedure is FDA approved and is regarded as permanent.
The Perfector is a non-surgical face lift, that builds new tissue, lifts sagging muscles, reduces wrinkles, takes away dark circles, purifies and detoxifies your skin until it glows with health. This procedure lifts all of the facial features including the brows, eyes, face and neck. The Perfector utilizes complex waveforms to deliver high definition signal designed to achieve resonance with cellular biological processes.
Edwin Neher, MD, Nobel Prize Winner and co-inventor of the pacemaker developed the Perfector at London University.
July 14th 1pm – 6pm.
Hors d’oeuvres, wine, and medical spa giveaways.
5301 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Suite 247
Valley Village, CA 91607
Read on down– I mean ALL THE WAY DOWN to the bottom of this blog!!
If you read this far, then you get a BONUS!!!
I got this from a friend who shall remain nameless (well almost) and I am sharing this 411 with you.
Renee is one of the few medical estheticians in this country to have introduced
an extraordinary, high-tech procedure from the UK that is almost a replacement
for face lifts. It can make anyone look years younger in minutes. Best of all, she
brings Vegas prices to LA!
Everyone who attends her open house will receive a $100 gift certificate.
If you mention the name Debra Scott you will receive
even more off — even if you can’t make the open house.!
Ok.. Do I need to spell it out for you? I didn’t think so. Make it a point to hit the spa open house and get the coupon and mention Debra Scott’s name.
It’s that simple, that easy, and makes you look years younger
Stevie Wilson


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