Bad Shopping Days Occur to All of Us– Even Fashion Editors.'s Online Shopping Rant Blog

Rants are never fun for me. Really- they aren’t. I don’t like talking about things that are negative experiences- but even as a fashion editor (beauty and music writer) I have them too.
1) online experience #1.. I found this cool tee that I blogged about and as soon as I saw it, I ordered it. It hadn’t been online very long when I first saw it and I ordered it first– then blogged about it. Turns out the company was local but I still ordered online because they had no storefront. I did call, email and leave messages to ask about the tee.
I got the reply that it would be shipped promptly and given that the location of their outlet was 20 minutes away from my house, I figured I would have it in about 7 days.
Unfortunately many days went by– no tee. I was beginning to wonder what had happened. I called the company, emailed, never heard back from them till about 2 weeks post order when I got an email stating that they no longer had the stock on the shirt and the order had been cancelled.
Disappointed? absolutely!! Leaving messages and emails unanswered ? Unacceptable.. and while I love their stock, I would recommend that you shop carefully with
2) Had received a microdermabrasion kit a while back and loved it. Blogged about it. I loved it so much that I went onto auto-ship on the refills and then I had a problem with one refill kit that wasn’t working at all and I kept calling and emailing the company. Again, a local company, I called and the ball was dropped. I talked to PR about it, and while helpful, the company dropped the ball again. I was to be sent a new part to the refill kit that is essential to the entire machine but it never arrived which means it was unusable until the next kit arrived.
The auto-ship refill kit did arrive with a new complete set but I am still short that one piece from the previous shipment.
. My question was what do I do about the previous month’s kit that still hadn’t been used and I was still short the extra container. I am still working on this one and I will keep you posted. I love the product but I shouldn’t have to have extra product that won’t work without this one container that was obviously defective and they had me ship it back to them to determine the problem. It seems that Crystalift needs to work on remembering to deal with the customer follow-up.
I don’t always shop in stores but when it comes to shoes, you usually need to do so because you have to try shoes on– unless you are pretty darn sure about the brand, the style and how it will fit. I took a chance when I recently was sent not only an AEROSOLES catalog for fall shoes with all the yummy offerings in a slew of colors ( I can be nice even in a rant). What really got my attention was the insert of the separate SALE catalog that was freaking amazing. GREAT looking shoes for $19.99.
Yes, girlie girls,–shoes for less than $20.00 for summer shoes.
I didn’t wait. I went to the web to — the online store for AERSOLES –where you can buy current styles right now for 25% off and summer styles that are still in stock for that marvelous price of under $20.00 (not including tax or shipping
Happy girl orders TWO pairs of shoes and only spends about 50 bucks including shipping and tax. Plus they are comfortable yet edgy styles that will take me well into LA’s version of winter.

Within about 7 days, I get an email stating that one pair of shoes is out of stock-
“so sorry, but we ran out” ( shown above) but no comment on the other pair. I am waiting patiently figuring that I should have the shoes in the next few days. ( dying to have pair shown below)

On August 15, I get not one but TWO letters from Aerosoles. They each say the same thing– but instead of just one shoe being cancelled, both orders are being cancelled. They offer me free shipping and handling for the next order..quite frankly I wonder if they can ship because of the 25% off fall sale. “Once burned, twice shy; twice burned, how stupid do I look” is my feeling.
Trying to reach customer service takes 5 phone calls and gets me NOW WHERE at all an except to be told that someone from customer service will call me back– which doesn’t happen on Friday as I requested but on Saturday. Considering that the 5 phone calls included 2x 20 + minute waits plus disconnects on their end, I thought I was being pretty patient. I was giving a variety of reasons why the disconnects and when customer service left me a message on Saturday, they didn’t address that issue at all. I called back on Sat returning their call only to find that CS was closed and to leave yet ANOTHER message about speaking to someone at Aerosoles Customer Service.
Guess I won’t be ordering from them anytime soon. If you do order from the, please make sure they check the stock while you are on the phone. Skip the interent ordering unless you are prepared to be disappointed.
Shoe-less and Disappointed
Stevie Wilson

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