Hair 911!! Who'ya Going to Call For Hair Help! gets lots of email but typically it’s just questions– and then there are QUESTIONS!!
Jennifer sent LA-Story an email about a true HAIR EMERGENCY:
Hi! I have a question . . . My natural hair color is a dark “dirty blonde”. For a while I have had light blonde highlights in my hair. About a month ago I had it dyed brown . . . .what should have been a light brown, ended up being A very dark brown. I recently went to have it lightened and the stylist fried my hair.
My hair has always been pretty healthy (for the most-part) but now it is unreal! Is there any way to correct or heal damaged/fried hair? Or am I going just have to cut it off?

We emphasize and feel Jennifer’s pain so we went straight to the resource that we always use for hair questions — and disasters (and trust me I have had many
disasters)– celebrity stylist and star of the show SPLIT ENDS, master stylist, Barry Reitman, of Juan Juan Beauty Center in Beverly Hills.
Here’s what Barry-“the go-to guy” for all things hair suggested.

First thing not to do is panic. That will tend to create more hair horrors.
First, find a hair style that you might like and at that point you will know how much length you can cut off without making you unhappy with shorter hair.
Keep in mind hair can not repair itself so you will have to deep condition your hair every time you shampoo your hair. I would suggest a deep conditioner like Redken butter conditioner. I would apply it after shampooing and wrap a towel around it for approximately 15 minutes. Then shampoo your hair with a shampoo made for dry or damaged hair.
Not knowing the color of your hair presently, a semi permanent color which does not contain any peroxide would help even out your color. This is a not a permanent color so that when your hair is back in a healthy condition you can proceed in getting the color you really wanted in the first place.
Most importantly, you must find a hairstylist who specializes in hair color. You might ask the concierge of a top hotel in your city for a referral. Make an appointment with your new hairstylist and ask for a consultation. Together you both can have a plan in effect that the end result will give you the hair style, color and condition you really wanted in the first place.
Barry Reitman
Juan Juan Center Beverly Hills

Barry talks about Redken’s Butter Treatment — the official name is Redken Smooth Down Butter Treat (rinse out or leave-in deep treatment): Intense smoothers, humectants, and conditioning agents work together to give hair the deepest, most intensive treatment. Hair is supple and more manageable, resulting in more resilience to mechanical damage. (hmmm maybe I need this product too!).
Directions:Apply after shampooing to towel dried hair. Leave on 5 to 15 minutes and rinse. For intense smoothness on extremely unruly hair, treatment can be left in.
So sent all this information off to Jennifer hoping that she wasn’t totally panic-stricken!
Here’s what Jennifer replied once she got the emailed advice and what she did.
What’s bad about this is the one that did this to me IS the manager/owner of the place! However, I went to my old stylist (which is over an hour away from where I live) and she is helping me get things back together. She advised | me much of what you and Barry have said. She gave me a deep conditioner and gave me her “input”. I will DEFINITELY do what Barry and you have told me and also what she has told me . . .She, herself, could not believe the damage done because she knew before my hair was not damaged much. . . if any at all.
Thank you again for ALL your help! You have no idea how much it means! 🙂 When I had pointed all this out to the stylist who did it, her response was very nonchalant and she her attitude was if I had done it!
Redken Smooth Down Butter Treat
Ten Hair Myths
If you have a hair, cosmetic or fashion disaster, don’t fret or panic. Come to us at the and we can help you out with advice from the pros who know what to do!
Stevie Wilson

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