Ten Questions Game– Are You Ready? Because YOU Might Be Tagged Next! LA-Story.com Blog

Courtesy of a friend of mine, Stella who has a blog, Well Above Average, she got me hooked into this game.
FYI.. if you haven’t read her blog, do so! Well Above Average is a reflection of the musings of an accomplished screenwriter who has had some interesting life experiences and trials & tribulations of LA aka Hollywood. She recently posted a “challenge” of the proverbial Ten Questions Game.. and tagged moi along with others she knows. So boys and girls, let’s play along!
“write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose at least 5 people to be tagged, list their names and why you picked them. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you’ve been tagged’ and tell them to read your latest blog.”
1) I drive like a maniac– Ok.. let’s clarify that. I know my way around. I know different ways of getting places and I try to figure out different short cuts and I “try” to obey speed limits.
2) chocolate is one of the major food groups for me.
3) when I throw a party, I create a drink of the day and make pitches of them– I am an amateur mixologist
4) Customer service is exceptionally important to me. If you treat me badly (as ATT & Charter have done) you will hear about online.
5) I would love to go out to dinner and start with dessert first. When in NYC recently, a bff and I did JUST that. It was fabulous
6) I love music. I play (taking lessons.) I sing. I love finding new emerging artists (*but then you know that). I love all types of genres.
7) I am a great photographer– and I love it. I see things a lot as photographs.
8) I am a huge fan of sci-fi, action, adventure, mystey flick fan. I can figure out the “who dun it” before most people
9) my dreams are in cinematic color — sometimes widescreen epic like
10) I have a very twisted sense of humor. I come off with some of the weirdest– but apropos– things. Sort of like Stella’s smart ass remarks.. we enjoy the same biting wit..
My five people? — SORRY my friends when I tag you, please send me a link so I can put it here..
Debutante Clothing (Sandra)
FeteaFete.com (Tami)
Marie –she hasn’t got her blog up yet. Soon though. ( Marie — just send me an email)
Donna– ditto.. though no blog anytime soon. (just send me an email)
Dawn– the same as above!

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