Diesel Website — and a Diesel Salesman– Get HIJACKED By the Heidies!

Diesel Brand is really getting more “interesting in what they are doing to promote their brand. Let’s be so “over” and call it “outside the box”.. in other words, they have done something really unique to call attention to the brand by going the YOUTUBE route and doing what seem to be home-grown videos– with the shaky video cam and also not so great sound. Don’t let that stop you from watching these videos. ( you do have to sign up for this or login to Youtube.com to see this video)
The HEIDIES star in this and hopefully they are being paid by Diesel.
HILARIOUS is the word and this one with the models hijacking the website (and kidnapping a Diesel salesman) is pretty much on target and definitely gets your attention.
The advertising and marketing people that set this up– kudos and a big thumbs up!!

Here’s what the Heidies have done for Diesel
Here are the hijackers demands:
We’ll be here as long as you keep us online or as long as it takes for us to get our 15 megabytes of fame.
So, we’re gonna get famous no matter what it takes.
OUR DEMANDS: 1. Keep us live on your home page 2. Use us as models your underwear campaign 3. Change the DIESEL logo to the HEIDIES�
If you don’t meet our demands we will: Destroy your underwear in our wood crushing machine The sales guy? You might get him back. Diesel, you should be flattered we hijacked your web site! Thanks to us you’re gonna get a lot of publicity. Diesel, you better pay us for this.

Check it out and hit YouTube.com for MORE Diesel videos
Stevie Wilson

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