Make It Right and Get $40.00 Off on Haggar Pants!

>Haggar is truly “Making Things Right” with the power of The Salvation Army and a national holiday promotion urging everyone to ‘Trade Up’ to the new quality of Haggar and ‘Give Back’ while doing so!
Haggar Clothing Co. has set up a program called Trade In, Trade Up, Give Back that will ensure that no man will go without this year. In partnership with 4 major retailers (JC Penney, Beall’s, Belk, Gottschalk’s) and the power of The Salvation Army, Trade In, Trade Up, Give Back will call upon the duty of men across our nation to help out other men undergoing hard times or who have gone without.
Simply bring in gently worn pair of pants on either November 10 or November 17, 2007 to the participating retailer in your area and donating the pants to the cause, men will be able to help clothe and comfort someone in need. As a thank you for their generosity, Haggar is offering those men donating pants a new pair of pants in any style at a significant discount– $19.99. Men dedicate their lives to others, so we dedicate our lives to them.

On November 10 or November 17, 2007 (day depends on the retailer & location) consumers go into one of the 4 participating retailers with an old pair of pants (any brand) and trade up to any new Haggar Pants for just $19.99. This is a wonderful cause that helps men everywhere! Just bring your old pants to the store, and they’ll be donated in one of the Haggar bins and given to The Salvation Army.
Old pants can be traded for any Haggar brand pant (dress or casual) on the retailer’s selling floor.

Offer is still valid even if consumer forgets to bring in their old pants; however, the offer is only good for the approximate 4 hour . event period.
Event Details: November 10, 2007 & November 17, 2007
Retailer Participation, Markets and Times:
Retailer: Belk
Date: Nov. 17 (8am-2 pm)
Markets: Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, Jacksonville, Jackson (Miss)
Retailer: JC Penney
Date: Nov. 10 (8am-2 pm)
Markets: Los Angeles, Miami, New York (East), New York (West), Detroit, Dallas, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Tampa
Retailer: Gottschalk’s
Date: Nov. 17 (8am-2 pm)
Markets: Fresno, Visalia, Modesto
Retailer: Beall’s
Date/Time: Dec. 1 (8am-2 pm)
Markets: Sarasota
Stevie Wilson

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