Looking for the FAST and Easy Gifts? Check Out Movies !!

While you might be fretting over what to give someone, there’s a LOT you can do that’s as simple as hitting a theater or a media store to pick up some DVDs.
A giftcard to a theater — any theater (Regal, Mann, AMC, Pacific and others) make a great gift.
In case you don’t know what to suggest for those out there to see:
Atonement is an amazing movie featuring a very glam Keira Knightley in a Golden Globe nominated performance.

Now playing in many theaters, it’s a perfect time to catch this movie before life resumes being totally crazy

Looking for something with a lot more zip, bang, and crash? Check out National Treasures

This is a thrill ride of a movie that’s similar to the first in spots– in some ways FAR too similar but still teaches you something about history along with a pretty darn good performance from the main character and the introduction of Helen Mirren into the mix with great success
Definitely worth a box of popcorn!
Check out your local movie theaters and think of gift cards as a great gift or even a stocking stuffer to pry someone away from the computer and into the theater!!
Stevie Wilson

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