The Twelve Drinks of Christmas, Day 12.. Kick the Hangover with a PURPLE Infusion.. Or Pour It Into a Glass Over Ice. It's Sure Cure– PURPLE!

It’s New Year’s Day- or the day after perhaps– and maybe you aren’t quite feeling your best. Considering this holiday season, I doubt many of us are feeling our best. Drinking and eating incorrectly can have a huge impact on how you feel. It impacts every aspect of your life- inside and out.
So take a shot at getting healthy- after all, it’s New Year, New You, New Habits, New Ideas– now it’s a new beverage that’s more than just a beverage– but a real supplement that will make a huge difference in how you feel. PURPLE

Featured as the new “superfood” on the Oprah Winfrey show and website, the dark purple Amazonian açaí berry, pronounced ” ahh-sigh-ee,” has consumers from all walks of life seeking out Purple because of its high levels of antioxidants and cholesterol-fighting fatty acids, protein and fiber. To achieve maximum effectiveness antioxidants should be combined with other antioxidants, a scientific principle dubbed “the antioxidant cascade effect.”
The Purple Beverage Company has harnessed the power of this cascade effect by combining seven of the planet’s most powerful antioxidants in the formula for its new beverage – PURPLE. All natural, no sugar added PURPLE combines the exotic acai berry with six other antioxidant-rich juices, including: black cherry, pomegranate, black currant, purple plum, cranberry and blueberry.
“Today’s consumers are very savvy,” said Ted Farnsworth, CEO of the Purple Beverage Company. “They’re looking for healthful benefits but want great taste as well. We see PURPLE as their answer, combining those properties with boosted antioxidant action in a delicious drink.”

Why is it called Purple?
Farnsworth explains, “It is not just because of the drink’s color. In fact, it is really due to the fact that purple pigment in the fruit provides the highest degree of antioxidant benefit, so it just seemed natural to simply call our new beverage PURPLE.”
Thinking about a healthy drink? Go PURPLE.
Want something to counteract that alcohol from last night? Go PURPLE.
Want to mix up a pitcher of cocktails that help counteract the alcohol and help your body before you drink too much? Go PURPLE!!
Mix PURPLE into smoothies, yogurt, over ice cream and into cocktails as a mix for an anti-oxidant boost that you can’t beat.
PURPLE is available in health food stores, restaurants, delis, drug stores, supermarkets and convenience stores in New York, Los Angeles and Miami and will be available at retailers nationwide in early 2008. PURPLE will retail for $3.99; watch for PURPLE’s new website at .
Support your local economy (and a healthier lifestyle) — shop!!
Stevie Wilson

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