Jo Malone Brings You the Scent of Love for Valentine's Day!

One of the most traditional gifts for Valentine’s Day– far beyond flowers, dinner or chocolate, is fragrance. Typically a man would ferret out what scent the object of his affection wears or finds something that’s so unusual and luxurious that she would be so impressed with his choices and him.
Should someone out there be wondering what to get the significant other in their life– be it man or woman– there is a place to turn that makes buying fragrances easy — and easy to keep adding on to the fragrance library because of the art of layering one scent over another to create new versions of the original scent.

Hopefully you have heard of this — and if not, you have now. This wasn’t my idea but there is a brand known for the layering of various fragrances that are one or two notes strong over other similar or complimentary fragrances is Jo Malone, .
The essence for Valentine’s Day would or could start with Red Roses– a lovely feminine floral that’s the basis of fragrance collection. It’s red roses mixed with crushed violet leaves and hints of lemon and spearmint to lighten it and keep it bright and fresh.
There are a variety of presentations from cologne to bath & body products including home products like candles.

Bath Oil Collection.
Other ways to add onto this amazing fragrance would be to gift another scent to wear individually or layer in different amounts to create intoxicating scents that are lush and lovely.
For Red Roses, Jo Malone recommended

Nutmeg Ginger

Pomegranite Noir.
You can find Jo Malone at the finest department stores like select Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Jo Malone Boutiques and online at
So shop– shop for the most unique intoxicating scents– that are going to be distinctly unique to the person who wears them.
Stevie Wilson

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