Get "Heart Smart" About Your Health! Be Heart Healthy!

Be Heart Healthy GO RED for Women Heart Health!!
Join the American Heart Association’s (AHA) campaign to make women more aware about their health and particularly their cardiac health.
Already in progress since February 1, the AHA’s campaign focus is “Today is the day” to get started, to motivate and inspire women to seize the opportunity to check out their “heart health” — by seeing their doctor and/or calling– OR CLICKING to– the American Heart Association. to find out what a woman can do to protect herself and her loved ones.

February is both a month of love and traditionally seen as “heart month”. What better way to show the ones you love how much you care than by checking on the state of your heart.
Fall in love with your heart — make an appointment with your doctor (and no, it doesn’t have to be a cardiologist. You can see a general practitioner or internist to check the state of your hear)
Get pumped up and take a stand against the one disease that kills more women every year than all the cancers combined!!
Learn about the risk factors of heart disease. Show yourself and others that you care about them by taking care of yourself. Get the Go Red Heart CheckUp by calling 1-888-AHA-2222 or visit
The short term goal is to obtain a 25% reduction in coronary heart disease and stroke risk by the year 2010. As the American Heart Association and the GO RED division of the AHA work toward that goal, the essential part of accomplishing that goal is to CHANGE the perception that heart disease is a “man’s disease.”
It’s a disease that affects everyone — men, women, even children. Do right by yourself and your loved ones. Visit your doctor. Visit the site and learn what you can do. At this site you can learn how to talk to your doctor and ask questions about heart disease. If you go to the there’s a SHOPPING site too that you can shop for products that will help the fight against heart disease for women.
Think about it– you can help by SHOPPING!! That’s something we do well – because we are taking care of others. Now take care of yourself and other women in your family and circle of friends by making them aware of heart health and what they need to know. Get smart– heart smart– and help save lives every year by talking about and following through on caring for your own heart.
The good news is that heart disease is often preventable!
Show your support by going to the site and finding out how and what you can DO It’s a national day of recognition of the importance of women’s heart health Learn about it HERE
Make sure you take the GO RED HEART QUIZ and talk about the results with your MD. Don’t wait!! Pick up the phone today and schedule an appointment to talk to your doctor. The time to get help and prevent disaster is before disaster strikes you! Think about prevention now– not later.
Save yourself, your mom, your grandmother, aunts, sisters, daughters and friends– by talking to them about GOING RED for Heart Health and the American Heart Association.
Stevie Wilson

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Stevie Wilson

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