Independent Spirit Awards Red Carpet Reviews: Part 6, Michaela Jedinak, UK Stylist and Fashion Pro

The Red Carpet Style Review is back with Part 6 of the Independent Spirit Awards Red Carpet and Michaela Jedinak’s commentary on the fashion winners — and losers- for that night!
(She covered the Grammys, the SAG Awards red carpet reviews and the Gucci/Madonna Party at NYFW!) . Check out her site:
Celebrities Hitting the Review today: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Dennis Hopper, Victoria Duffy, Cate Blanchett, Diablo Cody

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

Colour: Fabulous- both of them are wearing great colours for their colouring and it is nice to see that they don’t try to match each other in colouring to look “couply! Each of them are their own person and comfortable with it.
Shape: You just have to love Angelina’s dress for her new gained curves. She always knows her body and knows how to dress it right. The split sleeve line at her shoulder gives her more volume to her frame, so she cuts a beautiful blossoming pregnancy silhouette.
Bratt Pitt’s clothing line fits his body shape, which is casual but still fitted. The big collars of his white shirt are great for his neckline and counter balance the pattern in his trousers. His jacket pulls the whole look of casual elegance together and complements all in colour, style and cut.
Style: Both are picture perfect for the occasion! Though Angelina’s dress is sophisticated and elegant she softens it with her pregnancy curves and dressing it down by having a casual hair style. Nevertheless she keeps the “fire” in the look by choosing these shoes with red soles! Brad’s keeping it casual by wearing his outfit in stone and opting for trousers with pattern, but still gives it a sharp lift with his white shirt. His hair and glasses are fitting the bill for this event and star persona. He reminds you very much of “Robert Redford” in younger years.
Overall Rating: 6******( Both) Six Stars
Cate Blanchett

Colour: The navy blue looks great on her, but this “brownish- mahogany colour “looks on the blue too gloomy on her. It has a bit of an oppressing feel to it, which I find is not the right choice being heavily pregnant.
Shape: Fabulous- the cap coloured sleeve line gives substance to her shoulder so that the pleats are falling beautifully into place on and around her pregnancy belly. The cut of the dress goes out around the belly but is balanced by the strong shoulder feature. Her dress goes in towards her kneeline, so she cuts a beautiful silhoutte and kneeline.
Style: The dress is great for the occasion because it is dressy, stylish and right for the weather condition. She keeps the accessories away from her tummy, so that this feature speaks for itself. She is known for matching not obvious accessories but interesting pieces together. So, her metallic handbag and shoes are a great choice to go with this dress and gives it all a glossy and interesting feel to it. Her hair style pulls it all into an effortless, stylish , beautiful glowing actress.
Overall Rating: 5***** Five Stars ( I just don’t like the colour combination to give her 6 stars)

Dennis Hopper and Victoria Duff

The colours he wears in his clothes and shoes are good for him, but they don’t match in colouring, occasion and style. Plus he shouldn’t wear light trousers when its raining and cold outside! Purple is one of Victoria’s best colours.
Shape: His jacket is badly fitted around his fullest point. Also, it is too long in the hemline and sleeve line.|
Victoria’s dress is beautiful on her lean hourglass shape. It underlines her curves, silhouette and the buckle is a great feature to show off her long waistline. The drape gives the dress a nice breezy character, which doesn’t over the hemline or her slender legs.
Style: Dennis looks like he picked the first pieces which came into his hand when dressing. His outfit looks not groomed, styled or assembled- a bit too much of nothing.
As much I like the dress in colour and shape I really don’t like her hairstyle and accessories with it. Her look is messy- reminds you more of a scarecrow and you just don’t match a silver bag when wearing golden metallic shoes and wearing golden buckle in your dress. Plus her necklace is more of an irritating factor in her outfit than a complementing one. She started well with the dress, but finished it off badly.
Overall Rating: Dennis:2** Two Stars and Victoria: 3*** Three Stars

Diablo Cody

Colour: Loving it- the red is great for skin and hair colour and also so in line with the latest fashion trends.
Shape: Oh no no! Firstly having bigger bosom you need to wear tops and dresses with more substantial straps. Otherwise it looks like they will be cut loose any moment. Plus they don’t provide enough support to keep them in place. Secondly being a pear shape you need to keep the drama on top, so you balance it with your thighs. You don’t add detail and volume on your biggest part- you keep it neat and simple. So, her drapes, fuzz and bow at her waist are too bulky for her shape.
Style: The style and colour of the handbag adds detail to the upper half of her body, which is good. Also, the style of it gives it an interesting twist. Unfortunately the shoes next to the shape of the dress are a further killer in her look, because it makes it look as if she had a “flat” tyre”. All this volume and attention on top including her great hairstyle- and then “puff” nothing. She should have worn black high heel plateau shoes combined with black stockings to make it appropriate for the weather, outfit, look and occasion. Her style and look seems like she made an attempt but did not succeed.
Overall rating: 4**** Four Stars (only because of the colour of her dress, hair style and handbag!)
Michaela Jedinak is the founder of JOY OF COLOUR, The Colour and Style Consultancy. She work as a stylist and personal shopper in London and internationally. Michaela offeres one on one consultations and is now providing online and interactive services who live far away or don’t have the time to come in for personal consults. works with women and men at all age groups.
Check out Michaela’s commentaries here on– she’s spot on when it comes to the pluses and minuses of an outfit.
Stevie Wilson

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