It's Summertime! It's Sandal Time, It's Pedicure Time! Get It With Fruits and Passion Pedicure Kit!!

It’s summer time and if you aren’t in flip flops, sandals or peep-toe shoes, what’s up with you? While you won’t be able to wear flip flops to work, a gorgeous sandal or a funky retro peep toe shoe is ideal for just about any work environment.
If you are anything like my crew and me (and you are if you are reading this blog), you probably have at least a couple pairs of sandals and flip flops each and it’s likely that you have them in a variety of colors!
Now that we have ascertained that you have sandals, here is the operative question:
are your feet and toes ready to be bared before the world? Hah! Great question huh. I know, you have been too busy to hit the nail studio for a pedicure or given the economy, it’s a luxury that you can’t afford. Problem solved!!

Fruits and Passion has a solution for you that will have you blissfully happy from head to toes.

This marvelous collection of products retails for $24.00 and comes in a great little kit that’s perfect for bridal showers, baby showers and birthdays as well as treating yourself.
DEODORIZING CREAM 60 ML: This luscious whipped foot cream moisturizes, refreshes and dries quickly without leaving any residue. Used daily, it can make your feet feel like heaven.
EXFOLIATING PASTE 60 MLThis exfoliating paste softens and scrubs away dead skin to help eliminate roughness. Your feet never had it so soft!!
DEODORIZING MIST 60 ML This cool refreshing mist provides your feet with an instant feeling of freshness, while helping neutralize unpleasant odors while it purifies and helps control excessive sweating throughout the day.
The site has a huge array of products for personal, home and travel use. You might want to check out this really intoxicating site!
Stevie Wilson

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