Getting Glam & Gorgeous Isn't Hard! Got Milk? It Will Make A Difference!!

Growing up I drank milk and lots of it, till I went to college and gave it up for sodas. The freshman 20 piled on fast. Fast forward several years with jobs, promotions and life changes and voila, I am a mom with a 1.5 year old . That wasn’t the only change. The person who used to be a size 6 was now a size 14-16 because I had premature labor and bed rest. While milk was great, I also was eating other stuff — baby cravings.

When the baby finally settled into a regular sleeping pattern (meaning longer than 20 minute naps and sleeping through the night), I looked in the mirror realizing eek!! Formerly a size 4, I was now a 14 -16.
Don’t believe me? Here’s a photo (and not the worst one either but it gives you an idea when I was playing the mommy game with the kid, the dog and strollers.
SCREECH — that was me hitting the breaks. Considering that my child was on bottles and sippy cups, she liked her parents to be drinking the same thing!!
Guess what– I caved in and started hitting the bottle (of milk boys and girls.. MILK)

(Like the glass? You can find it HERE
What did that do for me? Along with a sensible diet and more exercise (in moderate amounts), I lost weight– and lots of it. In less than a year, I was down to a size 6, and then a 4 again. I liked it, my body liked it, the milk did my body some favors with the healthy hair, nice skin and the ability to pick up my growing bigger by the minute child.
Thanks to milk, I kept getting fitter and trimmer. Want to see what I looked like in 2006 when I went to the Emmys?

What can milk do for you? Plenty!! Check out the wonderous benefits and the cost effectiveness of this great food/beverage!

Tote Bag
Not only was milk good for my child, but it was good for both her parents– and boy I sure needed all the energy that it gave me and I added more calcium to my diet with other milk products (except my beloved ice cream) .
Milk’s many benefits:
BONES: Milk can significantly reduce the risk of bone disease and fractures. (meaning less cheese or those chalky icky supplements)
PMS: Calcium may reduce the symptoms of PMS. (PMS symptoms reduced after three months, for a majority of women taking 1,200 mg of calcium per day)
(meaning you are more relaxed, less stressed and life is smooo- ther. Get it? Ok. Thought you would. Let’s MOO-ve on!)

( mouseover the image and click it to buy the cow and other items)
SLEEP: Milk helps promote better sleep. ( sleep = happier, healthier, prettier YOU)

TEETH: Milk helps reduce the risk of cavities. (with normal brushing, flossing, check ups and cleanings) (as long as you brush/floss and see the DDS, there’s not much more you will have to do as long as you drink milk!! It will help the teeth retain their density)

Flashing mug
HAIR: Milk helps promote healthy hair. (We all want gorgeous, fabulous hair — especially when we color it — right?)
MUSCLES: Milk helps rebuild muscles. (more muscle mass means you burn more calories; your body functions better; and you are stronger!)

Milk is great for growing bodies and bodies on the move. Courtesy of milk and workouts of pilates, aerobics, Wii-fit , weights and barre work, I am now a size 2– and have been a size 0-2 for over 4 years. I couldn’t do it without the milk — though I do prefer mine with a shot of scharenberger powdered chocolate.
Got Milk Crate
( I use these crates to pack up paperwork and cd press materials.)
NAILS: Milk helps with stronger nails. (strong nails means that your hands look great and better with polish. Less damage to the nails!!)
The great part was — fashionista to the bone– I got to buy new clothes– thanks to drinking milk. (Did you know that chocolate milk counts too? Yes it does!! So I got my dose of chocolate too) . I haven’t let it go to waste either– I am still fit, slim and here’s the most recent photo– and the skin looks better, the hair has more bounce and shine and I like that I don’t *hate* swimsuit season– though I do have my qualms!!

Check out the website for more 411 on what milk can do for you; recipes for great drinks and food, as well as celebrity fans of milk. You can even win prizes!!

Even musicians, athletes, actresses like Miley Cyrus and Mischa Barton and even BATMAN are fans of milk– though you won’t see that milk mustache on Batman. Hit the “” website for more 411 on the milk-loving celebrities and pick up some downloads, widgets and screen savers.
Off for a glass of my dessert– milk whipped up in the blender with scharfenberger chocolate powder and ice!
Stevie Wilson

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