Preppycrat Takes on the Fashionista Emphasis of the Election!!

I found this post — or a part of it– on another blog– and felt it had enough merit to “borrow it” from This must be a new blog because there’s not a lot of content there, Let’s see how it does.
Preppycrat has taken on an issue about which I have been contemplating a commentary post. Maybe that’s good, maybe that’s bad, but as someone who lives in the DC area, Preppycrat has more access to all the information that I do here in LA (read Liberal Alternative location) .
Check out some of the videos on
sarah palin.jpg
Here’s a quote from the Preppycrat post.
Courtesy of, we have found out that Sarah Palin has spent approximately $150,000 on clothing, hair and makeup for herself and her family since early September.
OK, let’s parse this. Ms. Josephine six pack has spent three times the annual income of the average middle class family on clothes, makeup, hair since the beginning of September. That’s about a four or at best five week period.
John Edwards’s $400 haircut was less than one tenth the $4716.49 spent on hair and makeup by the Palin clan. And as far as anyone knows, he paid this out of his own pocket (edit – he paid for it with campaign money but later reimbursed the campaign for it). The RNC funded the entire $150,000 for Palin’s clothing and accessories.

Similar outfits can be had at a variety of places, to wit Ann Taylor Loft, where you can have this outfit for less than $500 including the cute black patent leather tote and the ankle boots.
Here at one of Michelle Obama’s favorite stores, White House/Black Market is a leather jacket similar to the one pictured on Palin, above.
Yes, it’s black, not red. But from this store one can be sure the quality is good and the price is certainly reasonable for a good leather jacket.
From Banana Republic, a black suit with royal purple blouse, and finally from Victoria’s secret, a suit in a pretty cocoa brown, and also from Vicki’s Secret what is more of a power play than a vivid red suit?

End of Preppycrat’s commentary and here is mine.
Here’s what’s wrong with this picture–
1) Mrs. McCain wears an outfit that’s 10 x the cost of what Laura Bush wore to the RNC

Now I will say that Mrs. McCain PAID for this $300 thousand dollar ++ outfit from her own wallet– but given the economy then (and considered in retrospect with the current situation) this was just bad judgement. However it was *her* money.
2) Sarah Palin has let the RNC pick up the tab. Her stylist charged the RNC over $20k for the work she did which was almost 2x the amount that amount paid the McCain’s foreign policy advisor. Does anyone see the problem with the rationale here?
What’s more important: the appearance or the knowledge? Your call here — not mine. However I don’t care HOW a president looks (overly gaunt and tall –think Lincoln; in a wheelchair– think FDR; wearing glasses because he’s really got poor vision and was a wimpy kid– think Teddy Roosevelt) , I care about what he–or she– can do and how much they know. I want them to be intelligent and informed. I don’t care if they are all that well-dressed. Especially in hard times when people are skittish and might be living in cars (Recently spotted a couple people living in their car in our upper class are. I know someone who has been handing out Jackson’s when people ask for a buck), this is not the image the RNC needs to be putting out on the table.
Here’s another image that”> Preppycrat wants you to see — Dr. Jill Biden!

According to Preppycrat;
There is a gem of an article at the online home of Vogue magazine that has a wonderful picture of the 4 generations of Biden women and an excellent article on Dr. Biden. The article and photo are also in the magazine itself. Among other things, Dr. Biden runs 5 miles a day, has multiple graduate degrees in addition to her doctorate, and truly likes clothes but also within reason, in the article she talks about much she loves one of the suits she’s purchased recently because it not only looks great and fits her well but it’s a price an “educator can afford.”
Ok.. I am not voting on the basis of fashion. If that were the case, I would use Cindy McCain as president and have her balance the budget– forget John. But this isn’t about fashion. It’s about being able to run a country and navigate tough times and treacherous waters.
What I don’t want to see in the White House is someone who’s foolish enough to think that *image* is everything and that we (as in “we the people” aren’t going to notice. Obviously I am not happy with the Wall Street Melt-down — and along with the manufactured gas “crisis”, the financials bailout- from AIG to all the mortgage- lenders who dropped the ball on being aware that people had to PAY these loans. It’s not a situation that’s going to be easy for any person to walk into and deal with — as an executive or the President. However if you want to base it on the values shown by the candidates and also by the images they are presenting (and yes this is about image), is what they are espousing matching up to what they are showing you? Is there alignment there or not? Is it relevant to your life? Is it meaningful? Are they walking the walk as wlel as talking the talk? (How can anyone forget they own 8 houses?)
Stevie Wilson

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