Feteafete.com Gets Into TuttiFoodie Tuttti Personals!! Want to Make Sense of This? Read ON!

Digging through the feteafete.com’s blog, Tami has a slew of beauty stuff and I have been “beautifying” you to death.. or maybe not depending on how much you are into beauty stuff.
While I was digging around Tami’s food posts, I happened to find one that blended food + relationships– and I don’t mean mixing garlic into mashed potatoes either or salmon baked with red salt.
Talking about relationship between the sexes.. or whatever gender you prefer., TuttiFoodie.com has created a “personals” section on her site HERE called Tutti Personals.
This site is serious yet very very funny. The edge of every personal post is really evident– funny, tart, and sly. Every single (pun definitely intended) deals from a perspective of food– because it’s about the food that’s going to draw them together or keep them on opposite sides of the table (or kitchen).

Considering that cooking together is truly a team effort and one has to respect the ideas and inspiration of the other person, it’s a good test of a potential relationship. If you can’t work in the kitchen together (and I don’t mean making the mac & cheese out of the blue box) creating a meaningful meal, it’s unlikely that the relationship will be a tasty treat.
Do check out feteafete.com’s post about Tutti Personals because she has even more sly humor on this topic. Tami & I spent some serious time talking about this on the phone.
PS– the 30 yo M sounds delightfully yummy– we both agreed on that one.
Stevie Wilson

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