WellAboveAverage.com Suggests You Join Revolution!

Stella from WellAboveAverage.com has a recent blog post that certainly caught my attention — enough to do some scouting around to find what the REVOLUTION is all about.
It’s not exactly a what or an event– but a skincare line
Revolution Organics is something entirely different and really unique! One might actually call it “revolutonary” because it is that different . What the line consists of is multi-purpose, multi-tasking, multi-person organic, skin and hair friendly products that do what they are supposed to do with a serious nod to earth-friendly ingredients and sustainability.

Carried at Beauty.com, this is a collection of ‘MULTI-TASKERS’ replacing the need for dozens of basic beauty products. The USDA certified organic formulations are made of food-grade quality ingredients and thus you could eat them (but I wouldn’t recommend it) REVOLUTION Organics products are free of chemicals, parabens, synthetics, artificial ingredients and fillers like water.
Want to learn more about this line? Head over to the WellAboveAverage.com post because I haven’t had a chance to try this line yet. I am waiting on an order based on Stella’s post. However she’s pretty darn knowledgeable and she seems to like this and that’s an endorsement I bank on. Her rave on the ingredients and how it smells sold me immediately
So go check out the post on her blog and then check it out on Beauty.com because Beauty.com isn’t going to tell you how great this stuff really is– Stella does!
Stevie Wilson

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