Equinox Gives Tips for Surviving the Holidays with Style, Grace and Health!! Part 2 LA-Story Recessionista!

This is part 2 of “Surviving the Holidays with Style, Grace & Health” courtesy of Equinox Fitness. . As the holidays and other special events occur, there seems to be a lot more to your “to-do” list than ever. The stress seems to mount and it’s important that you be well and fit to cope with everything coming at you.

Get Organized
Can’t find your keys? Forgot what groceries you need when you’re in the store? To prevent these irritating events from occuring, Coopersmith recommends taking a few minutes to put everything in “its place” and to organize your day. “It helps calm the chaos of every day life,” she notes. If you have the same place for your glasses, handbag, wallet, keys, lunch, you won’t forget them. Also lists help you to remember what you need to do. So either put pencil to paper or put it on your PDA/smartphone for you to remember to get things done.
Work Your Body
Exercise– cardio or weight training– improves circulation which bringis additional nutrients and oxygen to the brain. Thus you have a clearer head increasing your ability to focus and decrease anxiety. Working out (even running up and down the stairs rather than elevators) boosts the body’s levels of endorphins and dopamine, the pleasure-inducing neurotransmitter. This rush of endorphins generated by your physical activity will help you burn more calories efficiently. Research suggests that fit people can handle pressure better than couch potatoes. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of vigorous activity most days.
If you can’t manage to get in a full 30 minutes in one clip, shoot for 3 x 10 minute segments in your day. Rather than sitting down with colleagues for a quick coffee break, ask one to join you for a brisk walk outside or around the building. Two 10 minute walks per day will leave you with an easy to accomplish 10-15 minute workout at home that’s as easy of power-walking through the market or around your neighborhood. Rent DVD fitness workouts that interest you via Netflix or check out purchasing them online. Don’t let that exercise equipment become the most expensive clothes hanger in your living space.
Check in tomorrow for part 3 of these tips. There will be a couple every day– plus more tips and techniques via other books and authors!!
Thank you to Equinox Fitness for all the great tips! www.equinoxfitness.com
Stevie Wilson

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