Equinox Gives Tips for Surviving the Holidays with Style, Grace and Health!! Part 4 LA-Story Recessionista!

This is part 4 of “Surviving the Holidays with Style, Grace & Health” courtesy of Equinox Fitness. . As the holidays and parties get closer, the stress seems to mount and it’s important that you be well and fit to cope with everything coming at you. Now it starts to eat at you– or you find that you are eating it! Stop whatever you are about to eat or drink and let’s take a look at what it is.

Watch Your Drinking
Limiting Starbucks runs is a perfect way to prevent frustration, agitation and anxiety. Caffeine can make you jittery and also causes blood sugar and insulin fluctuations. It also increases dehydration which can create an electrolyte imbalance and cause your body to produce more adrenaline-which means you feel more irritable and anxious!
New York City physician, Jeffery Morrison, MD specializes in nutrition and has a few suggestions. Keeping happy hour to a maximum of 60 minutes on special occasions is really crucial. Alcohol can cause blood sugar levels to spike, then plummet, causing you to eat more and alos disrupt your sleep. Some research suggests that it increases stress by increasing the release of stress hormones from the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands. Bottom line is cut the number of coffees, lattes and cocktails to the bare minimum and substitute water and diluted juice (not juice drinks).
Eat To Win
Eating sugar-packed foods can give you an instant boost — but it’s also going to give you a crash later on. High sugar foods that give you that sugar high cause dramatic shifts in blood sugar levels. Rather than candy (not just chocolate but sugary foods of any type), Morrison suggests eating foods that keep your blood sugar levels balanced such as, Irish oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, organic eggs, turkey, chicken and white fish.
In other words, be extra-vigilant about what you are eating. While holiday treats are often around, they are just that–“treats” They are not meant for snacking on daily or multiple times a day. Keeping to a healthy diet will also help you fit into that new dress or pair of jeans you bought for those holiday parties.
Also rather than reach for anything to eat –particularly when you are stressed– try running up and down a couple of flights of stairs or take a quick walk around the building/office if possible. Exercise will also give you that *rush* you are seeking- and it’s better for your body.
Thank you to Equinox Fitness for all the great tips!! Check them out at www.equinoxfitness.com
Stevie Wilson

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