Makes Shopping Easy, Fast & Perfect for Bargain-hunting! LA-Story

If you like shopping (uh.. if you don’t why are you reading this blog? Don’t answer that !!), you will love this particular post. Even if you don’t like shopping but do have an affinity for certain things (gadgets, sports equipment, electronics, computer gear, clothes, baby stuff, home furnishing) or need to shop for something for an event or someone special, iStorezcom should be your first place to shop online.
iStorez brings online shopping into a new era, where focus is on how we shop and how to find what we are searching for faster and easier. provides a complete shopping experience from price point to discount to other shopping incentives. . iStorez brings what’s best in the physical world to online shopping, and more.
Consumers can browse millions of the hottest products, trends, and the latest deals and promotions from a single online location. Theme-based shopping ( read holiday or special event) and personalization is taken to the next level with the addition of personality shopping . Features like FashionScopes, and the ability to personalize your own shopping mall –reflecting only their stores and styles–, and always displaying the latest trends, newest items, and best deals. Shopping should be cool, fun, and now it can be easier, faster and even save you more money when you shop through
I have the opportunity to interview the CEO, Anand Jagannathan, , and this conversation is available to you here on a podcast.

Stevie Wilson

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