Eonline.com: Tim Gunn Dishes on Meryl & Angelina Fashion Sense.

This is directly from Eonline.com discussion with Tim Gunn (with a few comments inserted by me which will be in parentheses)
Photo from Eonline.com

Tim Gunn would like a word with Meryl Streep.
“I am her biggest fan and I can’t get enough of her,” the Project Runway mentoring guru tells me. “But wearing my fashion hat, I want to say to Meryl Streep, ‘You need to accept responsibility for what you are wearing. I don’t know that you do.’ She is so smart, so stunning, and she has a great figure.”
Gunn says he’d love to go shopping with Ms. Streep to help her–yup–make it work.
“Sometimes she gets it right, but more often she doesn’t,” Gunn says. “The message she’s sending is, I’m too smart for this and it doesn’t matter to me what I’m wearing. I want to say to her that it should matter to you.”
Gunn may finally get that chance to chat with Streep on Sunday, when he cohosts ABC’s live pre-Oscar special with Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts and Jess Cagle (Entertainment Weekly’s managing editor).
Gunn is also hoping to meet Angelina Jolie on the big day. No, he doesn’t think she needs any help in the fashion department. Jolie, Gunn gushes, always gets it right.
“She’s one who knows her body, understands how important silhouetted proportion is and getting your look right is,” he explains. “She always has a great fit. But you know what impresses me more about Angelina Jolie than the red carpet dresses? It’s how she navigates the real world. She does it without looking inappropriate. She’s age appropriate and she’s context appropriate. She has a sophistication yet a sexiness and she has a consistent polish.”

I would suggest that there have been times when Jolie didn’t quite have the right fashion sense (dating back to Billy Bob Thornton time and even a bit further). She’s more conservative and elegant yet she doesn’t take a step out on the edge that she used to do– both good and not-so-great things.
I wish that Streep would take a couple of pages from Helen Mirren’s book and dress more like Helen. While they are a bit closer in age, Meryl’s younger and as shown in The Devil Wears Prada, she can pull off serious fashion. Why didn’t someone give her those clothes to wear to events like the Globes, SAG and other events. There are stylists who would probably kill to work with her– just for the name value.
Stevie Wilson

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