Moods of Norway Rocks the Grammy Style Lounge– for Men & Women!

In the course of the events between Golden Globes and ending up with the Oscars are a number of other red carpet celebrations that include the Grammys. The Grammys are the one step closer to the Oscars but also all about the music so the event has its’ own distinct vibe!
The Grammy Style Lounge is a fun spot to hang out and see a lot of brands that you normally might not see (read new break out lines/products) or established ones with new stuff to show off.
One of those happens to be Moods of Norway, an edgy, “not too serious” fashion line primarily for guys but with a few things for girls tossed in there too. This “really” is a line out of Norway– no joke on this one. (check the website!!)
Here’s some of the great things that Moods of Norway was showing off at the Grammy Style Lounge.

Where to find Moods of Norway fashions? Check out the list of stores here on the website or you can buy it online on .
Thanks to Greg, Denise & Raphael!! You all rock!!
Stevie Wilson

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