Heading into Summer: Time to Get Fit & Fabulous with Totally Fit with Mel B and Billy Blanks Tae Bo Fat Blaster!

It’s spring and I can’t believe that swimwear is being sold in catalogs and stores already. (hello? It’s stil gloomy and icky outside and there’s still snow on the ground in some places. Guess it means it’s time to take a trip to someplace tropical. Wish we had the $$$).
Regardless if you have a vacation you can take, you know that you need a new swimsuit for the summer– whether it’s designer or Old Navy, makes not a whit of difference.
What does make a difference is the shape your body is in! No matter your age or your sex, you need to be healthy and fit! It’s important for your daily life as well as your appearance.

Get into the fitness game with Totally Fit by Mel B!! Formerly known as Scary Spice when part of the Spice Girls, Mel B is now a solo artist, lingerie model and mother !. Now she can add fitness guru to that list with TOTALLY FIT from Rhino Entertainment.
TOTALLY FIT is not a boring workout– but one that illuminates Mel’s personality and how she feels about fitness. She is “with you” on this and works out with you as a real person. She’s fun, motivating and provides the inspiration and tips/techniques and ideas to help you change your body and your life– regardless of age or fitness level. “For anyone with jubbily bits, I’m going to tighten you up, make you laugh and enjoy your workout no matter what level of fitness you are,” says Mel B.
Scene from the workout
TOTALLY FIT is essentially a simple 28-day plan. TOTALLY FIT is a cardio workout that provides added fat burning effects as you concentrate on shaping up arms, legs, bums and tums. The warm-up and cool-down are great for anyone. Work into it slowly if you are truly out of shape. Don’t give up and start off doing just 10 minute bites of the workout if you need that to get you started.

Totally Fit Mel B video trailer
Find this at www.totallyfit.com, amazon.com
The regular version is available everywhere. Want the deluxe version shown above?
You can find it ONLY at Totallyfit.com ,

Billy Blanks is back with a dynamite workout that is not just one but two different dvd workouts. Tae Bo Fat Blasting Cardio and Total Body Fat Blaster
Seven-time World Martial Arts Champion Billy Blanks will help you start shedding pounds immediately as he helps you punch, march and kick it out of existence through intense sessions designed to demolish flab, working with or without the resistance band.

TOTAL BODY FAT BLASTER: Banish fat and flab from every part of your body by taking — and keeping it off (* meaning stay with the program. Don’t stop doing it)– with these rapid-fire moves, high-energy music and Billy’s effective motivation. Billy brings together all the weapons in his powerful Tae Bo arsenal to help say goodbye to fat and help you get lean and strong all in one workout!
FAT BLASTING CARDIO: Rev your body and heart up with this hightly effective cardio workout. Billy takes you through the Tae Bo-based signature workouts
Caveat, be careful about form. Slow down or miss a few reps to keep the precise form to prevent injury. Billy Blanks is great. I have done a lot of his workouts but it might be a good fit for you and your body and it might not. However, you can “downsize” that workout intensity by making the moves a little slower or not as hard. If you use it at least 3 times a week (try 5 times a week for real results), you will see changes in your body!
Find this workout at www.collagevideo.com (one of the best places to find the best workout videos around!)
You can find this 2 DVD workout set at collagevideo.com, Gaiam.com and BillyBlanks.com Stevie Wilson

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