Take the HINT! Hint Water Makes Interesting Drinks!!

I am always scouting new beverages or new ways to create interesting drinks, cocktails, apertifis. I particularly like ones that I can make sans alcohol for those who are the DD (designated driver) or can’t have alcohol for any reason (like the person I know who gave up alcohol for Lent!). Adding a bit of alcohol is easy because there are a variety of spirits that I can work with (and with my bar assortment, it’s a good mix).
Hint Water has been featured here before. It’s an all natural water that’s got real fruit or veggie essences added to it. The water is super clear, natural and no additives other than the essences so you have a clean, clear, refreshing beverage that will be highly sought after by your friends as much as it is the fave of celebrities like Posh Victoria Beckham and Lauren Conrad (among many)
Here are some recipes for you to test drive. I did and wow.. some of these are amazing.
There may be some suggestions after the recipes that are my personal “tweaks”

Pomegranate juice is a great source of antioxidants and contains high amounts of Potassium, which helps lower blood pressure.
cup ice
2 ounces vodka
2 ounces Pomegranate Tangerine POM
3 ounces Pomegranate Tangerine HINT Essence Water

Instructions: Fill cocktail shaker with ice, add vodka, HINT Water, and POM Juice, shake for ten seconds, pour into a glass and serve.
Nutrition content: 165 calories, 8 g carbohydrates
** If you use different flavors or POM juice– try changing up the HINT water. You can use the Pom Tangerine mixed with the Pom Cherry — which adds a nice twist. Also think about tequila (Maestro Doble is an excellent smooth tequila without the bite)
Hint of Mint”

3 whole mint leaves
Lime wedge
2oz. of 3Vodka (a no-carb liquor made from soy isolates)
4oz. Peppermint HINT

** This would be great made with rum or tequila too.

“Raspberry-Lime Hintini”

This refreshing drink has only one gram of carbs but tons of flavor!
¼ cup ice
2 ounces raspberry vodka
3 ounces Raspberry Lime HINT Essence Water

¼ slice of lime
1 fresh raspberry
Instructions: Fill cocktail shaker with ice, add vodka and HINT Water, shake for ten seconds, pour into glass, drop in raspberry and garnish with lime.
Nutrition Content: 120 calories, 1 g carbohydrates
*** also this would be perfect for rum and mix in a splash of orange juice or sparkling water if you want to have it be a non-alcoholic drink. If you use rum, do add in a bit more lime for zest!
Perfect Pear”

2 oz. ZYR vodka (crystal-pure vodka without added sugars or lactic acid)
4 oz. Pear HINT Water

Mix vodka and Pear HINT over ice and garnish with pear slice.
** This would be excellent over ice with a bit of lime or mint as well and you could use this with tequila for a unique flavor tweak.
Check out the HINT website for more recipes, to order or where to purchase the water.
Stevie Wilson

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