H2pro's Nano Hi-Tech Styling Iron Meets It's Product Match in White Sands

Now that summer’s practically here (depending on your location and your weather), flat irons are a common tool to use and what you want needs to have maximum versatility and h2pro has one of the best ones around. Their new 300 Special Edition Ceramic Styling Iron is engineered and guaranteed to be one of the first tools to remove unwanted frizz and create perfectly straight hair. (for me this is a “Peter Shankman” moment– oooh shiny!! gotta have it)
Featuring Nano Hi-Tech Technology, the 300 Special Edition incorporates h2pro’s advanced combination of three distinct Nano technologies: Nano Ti + Nano TiO + Nano Ag. This trio of technology incorporated into this iron creates unmatched styling capabilities and health benefits, leaving your hair healthier, shiner, and sleek.
300 se nano hi tech styling iron.jpg
What are these technologies? Good question! Here’s the answer
• Nano Titanium (Ti) = enhances the ionic effect, allowing hair to absorb more moisture for superior conditioning and shine
• Nano Titanium Oxide (TiO) = removes chemical pollutants and toxins from daily exposure
• Nano Silver (Ag) = removes harmful or damaging bacteria from the hair
This iron’s advanced heater reaches a temperature ranging from 140-450F in a matter of seconds. Talk about getting down to the business of hair styling and whipping through it faster and easier than ever before.
The 300 Special Edition Ceramic Styling Iron is available in black and pink. If you have thick hair, coarse hair, curly hair or just hair that needs more attention, then this 300 Special Edition is guaranteed to make you very happy!
Suggested Retail Price: $160.00
www.h2prousa.com or call 800-896-7728

White Sands Liquid Texture Firm is a highly unique product that allows you to style your hair with hot tools while it’s dry!! (not sprayed into wet hair but dry hair). It allows you the ability to change your style practically in nothing flat.

Called the ultimate design tool, Liquid Texture has raised the bar for hair spray because it can be combed through and has incredible memory to provide long-lasting designs without regard to humidity. It is thermal intelligent, so the more heat used, the shinier the hair becomes. Liquid Texture leaves hair soft and silky without flaking or leaving residue on hot tools. It was designed for dry hair styling, ( skip roller sets and scrunching). White Sands launched Liquid Texture Firm hold in 2000 and is an amazing product that I recently tried and have fallen in love with because I can change my hair style at any time of day.
Retail is $19.00 for a large-ish bottle but a little goes a long way for this amazing product.
Find it at www.whitesandsproducts.com
It’s definitely worth the money. Buy an extra spray bottle and split it with a bff. You will both end up loving it!
Stevie Wilson

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