Feteafete.com Says Kiss & Tell with Purple Labs Huge Lips Skinny Hips Contest!

I love it when I find something really interesting from Feteafete.com and when it features lipgloss and a contest, it’s even better.
We both have tried the Purple Labs Huge Lips Skinny Hips gloss and I loved it. ( I have the super neutral caramel color that slicks over everything and gives me a nice gloss. Great flavor too!) This fab gloss has a dynamite lip plumper plus it has hoodia as an ingredient that makes you eat less. (The less need for gloss applications except that I love the taste so that defeats that purpose– or does it? Maybe I do love it just because of that.) Anyway– the gloss is addicting in terms of glossiness and color. (my color is the second from the left below)
Created by Karen Robinovitz, beauty temptress as well as fashionista extraordinaire, this is a gloss that should be in your kit. That recommendation comes with a message and method to my madness

Karen Robinovitz

Tami was featuring a contest from Purple Labs about “Kiss and Tell”– which involves you sending in a photo of yourself with the gloss color you chose as your favorite and how/why you identify with that color. Tres easy!

How to enter the contest:
1) hit the Purple Labs website and click on View the Shades
2) buy a gloss and then try it once you get it!
3) take a photo of you in your selected gloss shade and get it digitally ready to submit it as an entry. — Wait– there’s more!
4) tell Purple Labs WHY you think that’s the perfect shade for you and your personality .
5) click on submit entry: attach your photo and give them your reason why you identify with that gloss.
Super slick, super easy and a lot of fun. It’s a slam dunk and almost as fast as slickin’ on the gloss.
Let me know which one you buy– I am dying to know!! I want to see all the cool colors.
Oh yeah.. one more thing this entry is submitted through Brickfish.com community. You can tell all your friends and if you send it out to everyone and everywhere you post, then you can get lots of people looking at it. Ask your friends to send it to their friends.
The prize! The prize!!
The most viral entry gets the grand prize: a glam trip FOR 2!!! to the Big Apple, hosted by the lovely Karen Robinovitz, creatrix of this wildly popular lip gloss!
Karen will take the winner around town, showing her the inspirations behind the lip colors. There will be private pole lessons, burlesque school, and you also get to stay at the chic Smyth Hotel in Tribeca!
Runner-up winners will get some of Karen’s superb glosses, natch!
The contest ends August 27, 2009 so hurry up and enter. It’s so crucial you get out there and share this with all your bff’s. Ask friends and family to comment and also send it others.
So follow Tami’s (and my) suggestion and ENTER!! Order one (2 or 3.. it’s hard to choose) of the glosses and go for the gold– the Big Apple NYC!!
Stevie Wilson

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