Living in a Perfect World: A Voice From the Inside!

Courtesy of the people over at Living in a Perfect World, we are changing up the format of posts on the weekends. Each Saturday and Sunday will be a bit of a philosophical essay. Consider it didactic or even an epistle but it’s going to be a very thought provoking commentary. I invite you to read it with care and an open mind.
I further encourage you to post comments here — or if you would prefer– as the people over at Living in a Perfect World would prefer– leave a comment there (or you can do both).
This is an ongoing series of essays from someone whose life we cannot begin to fathom. While mine is different from yours and yours from mine, this person’s life is quite different from either world that you or I would experience.

What’s new with this blog is a new voice that is being added to the mix.

 It’s written by a man and he’s got a lot on his mind and lot to say. You might not get all of it and find that you might have to go back and re-read some of these things. No matter whether you agree or disagree with what he says, he is talking about the world in which he lives– and we all have a chance to take a peek into his life and world. His perfect world is a far cry from the one in which we all wish to have– but then again, maybe it’s very much the same.



A Voice From the Inside  by Jeheshua




Most of the time I am in an acceptable state of mind, but I have my moments.  In those seconds just between being awake and dreamking I can remember that day  It’s not what they said, so mas as how they looked at me  when they said it. Their eyes were colod and empty. Their faces  blood red with calculated anger and I can’t help feeling terrible for causing the level of sadness that triggeredd that kind of hate.


My pain is hidden well. :et’s face it, I’ve had lots of time to practice, but make no mistake, it is – and will always be– a part of me. As strong as the control over my emotions has become, at times tears break through the outer shell of the box that contains them and rise to the surface.  It is at these times when I am ore in touch with my humanity. At those times, I realize I am not a monster for what I have done because I can feel their pain surge from deep withing and I understand why they hate me.


I do not blame them for their ill will. How could I? I feel the same way. It’s at these moments, I am most alive. Between the light and darkeness, I find the twilight of my humanity and I am whole once more. I am free. I am purified by my compassion. Once this same compassion (for the pain I caused) manifested as guilt and threatened to crush me beneath its’ weight, but now each time it rises it reconnects me with the truths that daily living strives to hide. It opens my heart and mind to an indepth appreciation of the little things in life that I once foolishly overlooked. 


Yes I cry, but each tear washes me clean. Each droplet falling upon my face bathes me in this everwidening twilight of humanity, and with every beat of my heart  I realize I am not alone. We are all suffering and we must all endure the shackles  of one prison or another. The only way to free ourselves is to step into the twilight together, awakening to our lives, embracing our humanity.



You will find these posts being posted elsewhere — as there have been another spot where they will be posted.


Welcome to Jeheshua for his contributions.

What’s your “perfect world”?


Living In A Perfect World

Stevie Wilson

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