LeBootCamp's Valerie Orsoni Gives Tips on How to Get Healthy & Fit

I met Valerie Orsoni recently. The name might sound familiar so go back a week on my posts and find the blog about how to have a great Thanksgiving dinner without gaining a pound. I did ok but didn’t do everything she said.. but to be honest given that when I am writing this, Thanksgiving was yesterday, I did amazingly well. I ate way too much but really my portion control was excellent–ok. almost excellent.
I did have about 1/2 glass of wine.2 pieces of dark chocolate truffles (thank you Sees candy), a tiny bit of everything with an emphasis on green veggies, and then when dessert came, it was not only Thanksgiving but someone’s birthday so there was chocolate ice cream cake. I am a sucker for chocolate and ice cream so both in one power (and calorie) packed punch made it hard to resist– so why try. I enjoyed it and came home feeling stuffed, though compared to everyone else, my portions were very very small.
That said, the scale was 2.5 pounds heavier- hence I got up disgustingly early to workout and did a full workout today and felt dreadful because the excess sugar and alcohol doesn’t really like me all that much when I combine them.
So for those who look back at Thanksgiving and the weekend and realize — uh oh– what have I done when you step on the scale, there is a way out of the mess before the holidays progress– and that’s LeBootCamp.com. I have started with LeBootCamp and I absolutely love it. More about what it is from Valerie Orsoni here in video and how she got it started.
Here’s Valerie Orsoni talking about her fitness coaching, LeBootCamp.com and more!

One of the things women tend to worry about is their butt. The rear view is very important and particularly with jeans, bikinis and form-fitting dresses that are part of the party atmosphere. (I think I have found a couple that I want like *right now* along with a new skirt for holiday so I started thinking that I best get to work)
I signed up for LeBootCamp.com and started getting my daily emails– some which get read a day late but still definitely inspiring. Thanks to Valerie, I have a few new exercises that are already making a difference in my rear view and I am rather pleased about that (since I started LBC before Thanksgiving). From Valerie’s email to me a few days ago. You might not be able to read that without becoming a member so I am giving you a freebie here.

Today is rear-end day. (I am not kidding!) It is important to strengthen and maintain your gluteal muscles (glutes), as they tend to be more affected by gravity than any other part of our body.
No need to panic! There are simple exercises which can give you a firm butt without even leaving your office chair! These small, easy exercises are my specialty. Trust me, they work very well!
An easy way to strengthen your glutes without even having to leave your office chair is to contract your glutes (your bottom) 100 times in a row. Nobody will notice you are exercising and in no time, you will achieve great results.
As soon as you read this, contract your glutes 100 times in a row. You can decide to do a quick series and/or slow series, holding the “squeeze” 3 seconds or longer each time as you see fit. Do this…it really works! You will see even greater results if you do this exercise several times a day.
Remember: 30-minute morning walk + 60 minutes of accumulated exercise are your focus for this week….don’t forget these, ok? To this, add some standing push-ups several times per day as well as glute contractions… You are on the path to success

Been doing this one a lot– particularly when driving. it’s doing it when I am standing in line at the drugstore or the market and have someone behind me, that it gets interesting so think about where you are.
On Valerie’s LeBootCamp site, there is a page where she gives you tips on video– and they are amazingly short but power packed with healhty information. One of them is here on this page— which again, you might not be able to access unless you are a member– but then again, I could be wrong. It’s video # 2 on the page.
I liked it because Valerie talks about the Brazilian butt exercise that gives all the Brazilian girls and especially the dancers their high rounded firm butt. (who doesn’t want a firm butt?) Valerie demonstrates it and I can give you a slight written approximation of how to do it but it’s not going to be completely correct because Valerie gives you visual demonstrations which I absolutely love and this exercise takes about 3 minutes twice a day (the time it takes for you to brush your teeth– and if you have a Sonicare tooth brush or even a Clarisonic face cleanser you can do this then— killing two birds with one stone (or rather creating a great looking rear view).
Stand up straight with abs tight and pulled up and in with knees slightly bent. (got all that? Practice in front of a mirror) Tips your hips forward and tighten those glutes and keep them tight. It’s like a super tight squeeze on the rear as you push your hips forward hold them for 3 seconds and then release back into neutral spine meaning your hips and shoulders are in line. Then keep repeating this for 3 minutes and do it twice a day.
It’s not hard but it’s also easy to get sloppy so be cautious and aware.
Your best bet is to join lebootcamp.com and watch her video. It’s the second video after her welcome–and please join. So maybe you will be able to see the video. It’s worth watching and it’s definitely worth joining because Orsoni has MORE fab tips like this that are really effective. I found a great dress I want that requires a nice butt because it’s short. I plan on buying that dress- I should because I will have lost some of that weight by eating very lightly today and drinking lots of water.
So check this out and see what you think. If you join LeBootCamp.com, please comment or at least shoot me an email about it! I want to know!!
Looking forward to a nicer rear view.
Stevie Wilson

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