Move Forward with Your Life with Emotional Release. Check Out This Alternative Therapy by James Hyman!

Wait! Before you start thinking this is some funky “California” or weird “LA” type of treatment or idea, you need to read all of this. Give this post a chance. The video below is from James Hyman who has created a system of bodywork and healing that can help you unlock stress, health issues, emotional issues (that are often tied to health issues) and in doing so, give you a space or freedom to move in the direction that will give you peace, health, and the ability to take your life to an entirely different level of your personal and professional life.

James Hyman’s Deep Emotional Release Bodywork and Quantum Healing is an effective alternative therapy for the release of blocked energy associated with past trauma, and negative patterns held in the body and the subconscious mind.

That’s according to his site,
James Hyman working on a client.
Hyman’s bodywork is not quite like a massage — because you are fully dressed and you are relaxed but aware. It’s easy but also it’s about finding those parts of your body that always get stiff or tense up (neck muscles, shoulders, back, knees) and helping the body to let go of the tension and stress that the body holds onto and releasing it.
Maybe you have health issues where emotional aspects might be playing a part in those health problems (migraines, depression, viral infections). I am not saying that those health issues aren’t real or that those issues can be completely healed but if you had a positive frame of reference mentally, emotionally and spiritually wouldn’t that help any over-eating, headaches, back problems, and other similar things?
Personally and professionally, maybe you there are interpersonal issues you need to work out. Problems with relationships with family, friends or simply finding the “right person’ can make you unhappy or be impediments to finding the happiness and joie de vive that you seek. How about finding the great job — or any job– that you might want?
By breaking through some of the old patterns of behaviour and reactions to certain things, you can change the presentation that you make with your current employer and colleagues or give you that boost to go after that extra education or seek a new position. It can give you that positive frame of reference or spirit that employers want in employees. Think of it as wanting a new position, not just “needing a new job”. You can seek out challenge instead of avoiding it.

What Hyman puts forth is a way to change your life by changing your personal perspectives physically (through bodywork), emotionally (result of the body work) and spiritually (an outcome of the two). It’s really unusual and until you go through a session or talk to someone who has been through one of his sessions or workshops, it’s hard to grasp the entire concept. It might even sound suspicious to you.
There is no claim that he’s going to completely heal you; there is no claim that he’s going to help you win the lottery. He’s claiming to help you gain a clarity, a jumpstart in your life to live in the present — because the past is gone and the future doesn’t exist yet. Live in the “now” and enjoy the moments in which you live and putting forth a “full court press” in the now — whether it’s at home, with friends or at work.

While you might think this is weird or strange or wonder about this, it’s worth reading through the site and listening to both videos. The interesting part is that I know a number of people from all walks of life who were seeking healing or a means to take their lives to a different path or level and wanted to let go of ‘issues’ that were holding them back.
I know many people who have gone through this process with Jim Hyman. I have been through it with Jim Hyman and the emotional release and giving me greater clarity as I deal with various issues and situations in my life. I would not be posting this if I had seriious doubts. I have been to his workshops. I have had one on one sessions. It’s been so very helpful because I know what it is I want in my life and how to clarify where I am going and what I am doing.
Stevie Wilson

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