"Book It": Cool Books for Summer + Gadget Readers to Check Out!

This post is a riff off a post I did for Blogcritics.org – -but it’s different once you dig into it because the one for BC is more comprehensive in gifts while this post is strictly about books and e-readers! Finding the perfect gift for moms is tough. She might not like the beauty stuff you buy– because she either is a “junkie” (adores everything.. uses the same stuff over and over) or she’s just not into it. Giving her a massage would be great if she ever booked it. Chocolate is nice but the calories ( hmmm do we really need that? Antioxidants, yes; calories, no!) and really good chocolate can be pricey (though do check out the Woodhouse Chocolate & Pure Dark post for amazing, rich, tasty taste treats) ..
I know a lot of moms want “ME” time– and sometimes on a regular basis. So there’s nothing better than escaping into a book for the solitude, solace and mental vacation that a book can bring. Here are a few select titles that run the gamut from fiction to non-fiction to could this be real?

Emotional Fitness for Couples might not seem romantic — or even something a mom might want to see but think a bit about what’s going on in the life of a mom. Really, cmon, does it take a rocket scientist to realize that moms wind up at the bottom of their to-do list and that relationships with the significant other often get short shrift? Kids, jobs, errands and taking care of your personal living space sucks up a lot of time, physical and emotional energy and often there is a gap between couples that develop. Barton Goldsmith,PhD has written an easy-to-read book that takes the couple through various steps to revitalize communication, clear away old baggage and explore those things that brought them together. It’s about taking what you have and making it better. I don’t know *any* woman who wouldn’t want to make their relationship better–married or not, there’s aways room to evolve and improve. http://www.bartongoldsmith.com/
On the Meaning of Adam Lambert by Juneau and Xena. .
Thom Filicia’s Style is the book to get any one– man or woman– who wants an interesting, comfortable, personal domicile.
thom filicia.jpg
Best recognized for his current Dress My Nest Show as well as Queer Eye for a Straight Guy , Filicia brings flair and fun along with personal conversation. You think he doesn’t really sound like that? He really does. I have had the pleasure of meeting Thom Filicia and he’s the most down-to -earth person.

He’s about helping anyone bring out their personality and use it to create an environment that reflects your personality. It’s a great book with lots of photos, great ideas and inspiration. It’s almost as good as having him there. (note I said almost!)

Pieces of Happlily Every After by Irene Zutell is a piece of fun fiction that will grab you pretty much within the first 5 pages.

I was captured almost instantly– Zutell’s deft handling of characters and creating “voices” for them that are authentic is really quite a coup. I won’t be a spoiler but his is a great tale of a family that disintegrates before your very eyes in the most “Hollywood” of ways and what happens to Alice, her husband, her daughter and her mother. The mother provides a ton of comic relief and also some life lessons. I walked away from the book (and it went with me everywhere!) learning something about myself as much as I did about Zutell’s talent. She’s awesome and I think any woman would love this book.
For inspiration and thoughts about what can be accomplished in a life, Making It in High Heels 2: For Future Leaders and Role Models is book #2 of this series.

Edited by Kimberlee MacDonald, this book is like a series of blog posts — and MacDonald encourages you to write your own story on her blog www.makingitinhighheels.com . This particular book features women from 16-35 and it’s the story of each woman’s journey to accomplish what they have thus far in theiir lives and where this journey is taking them. Each chapter has a unique voice– some I wish were longer and more in depth but then it’s an individual sharing what they could. This piece of non-fiction will give you hope, joy and put light in your heart as well as understand the pain that still occurs for women of the younger generation. Regardless ot their ages, it’s not been easy for any of them to accomplish what they have. There have been struggles– and these stories bring meaning to their lives and the lives of other women.
Want something that’s both frivolous and yet will help you learn something (what I can’t tell you exactly. What you take away from this book will be different than what I take away- but then again, maybe not). Christie Mellor’s You Look Fine, Really is a unique book.

A non-fiction, tell-it-like-it-is book about things that matter most to women — from fashion, beauty tips, home decor, our jobs, our friends, food, and more. Directed to the woman over 40, it’s about how to be the best you are and accept yourself as the best of you. Her tips about beauty and fashion are spot-on and I learned some things about make-up and also some about myself. The most important thing that any woman of any age can learn is to love themselves and appreciate the joy of their life (or that tomorrow will be a better day) and to celebrate who they are. Sounds trite– but it’s written in such a way as that it’s like having a conversation with someone. It’s the best expert on everything who’s sharing how to put your life on track and get back to the business of enjoying your life and stop moaning about what is or isn’t happening. From great recommendations for red lipstick, tips on vintage fashion finds, our relationship to food (or not),it’s about learning your personal style and flexing it to be the best of who you are. I found it fun and I haven’t finished it yet. It’s here because I think any woman should have this book (40 isn’t the breaking point number any longer. Some women consider 60 to be that number, others think 30 is ancient. Puhlease!) Check out the book from this well-respected author and enjoy yourself and share it with your friends too.
For those with mothers who are digitally-connected and love all things techie and gadget, the Sony Reader or the Barnes & Noble Nook are products you might want to lay down some serious dough for those moms who want to read on the run.
The Sony ReaderPocket edition is the least expensive and the most basic model of the Sony e-book/reader products.

It’s about $150 or less right now because of the holiday so check Amazon.com and check your local Best Buy stores. This particular model is about 5 inches and is lightweight making ideal for handbags or large pockets. The Reader gives you 350 books and allows access to public libraries, public domain via Google and sharing sites. The display is nicely done and very much like a book or paper– but there is a touch version should you wish to check that out. It’s a great buy and while these gadgets will evolve (just like smart phones and iPods), it’s wise to start small and work up to the more technically advanced versions later as the prices drop.
Barnes and Noble’s Nook is the latest competitor on the market and is getting a huge push.

While the Nook has been out a while, this new version priced at $259, has 3G capability, 1500 book capacity with expandable storage and some very enticing features should you wish to offer Mom a larger device at 7.7 inches (a bit large for some handbags but do-able). Weighing in at 12.1 oz, this is a nifty device that would be worth its’ weight because it has about 50,000 free books available, fast re-charging and the touch screen feature. However it’s about $100 more than the Sony Reader. Barnes and Noble is offering a wide selection of covers by Kate Spade at an extra cost should you desire more gilding of this Barnes & Noble lily.
Stevie , LA-Story.com
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