Leaving on a Jet Plane: Kauai Won’t Know What Hit Them …

We are almost half way to Lihue as I am typing this up on my laptop. Interesting enough, the computer detected a wifi connection up there at 38 thousand feet. My heart leaps with joy and try to connect but find.. ah,nope, not happening! I am sure it’s the wifi of the pilots and they won’t like me messing with their instrumentation while they are flying this plane to Hawaii.

Pool & spa at the condo resort on Kauai

LAX & American Airlines terminal has changed a lot. Actually real food — not just junk– to be had, so I snagged a yogurt parfait and fruit cup for breakfast along with a large bottle of water. Interestingly enough we were lucky to make this flight since at baggage drop, we were given the wrong gate. (my bad for not checking) and almost missed the flight. EEEK!

We get on this flight — a 757 –and find that the screens for the movie are tiny tv sets hung from the ceiling and they are barely big enough to see 4 rows back. Of course at row 4 there is another one hanging but sitting by the window and having to twist my body into contortions to see the movie — which I have NEVER heard of and not likely to ever see even on dvd– isn’t about to happen. Who cares? Tired enough from the wait and the anxiety of getting through TSA and all the stuff it takes to get to the airport , It wore me out so I napped a bit.

Courtesy of frequent flier miles, we upgraded and while I enjoy the seat size, still not digging that 19 inch tv screen and it’s irritating to know that others closer can actually see what’s going on without it looking like a bunch of puppets.

Oriental salad pops up and it’s good -but overly dressed but probably better than the
Greek dressing. There is a lot of shredded ginger and a couple of asparagus stalks in it but that’s the best of it. Lunch comes and the choice is cheese ravioli (going to Hawaii???) or Oriental beef tenderloin with rice and a slice of mango. It took only one bite to realize that rare doesn’t begin to describe the texture. While it’s super great beef that you can cut with a fork, I find that there are 3 bites maybe 5 totally (tiny slim cuts) that are cooked enough to eat and the rest is simply raw meat. I have the flight attendant take it away — though she offers to cook it more– the damage is done. It’s simply not appetizing. The only thing I really enjoy is the ice cream with hot fudge sauce and nuts– Whipped cream is being skipped. I think between the nuts, salad , 1/2 roll and maybe 2 oz max of rice and beef, I am pretty well set for the day.

I have been reading On the Meaning of Adam Lambert and come across both Xena’s seminar proposal.. and Juneau’s post about being “outed” courtesy of a wifi laser printer. These many accomplished women whose voices are part of this book and those particularly of Xena & Juneau reinforce what I feel is that I need more in my life. Not just the blogging, or the interviews or the social media and especially a lot more than the person who seems to be the lynchpin of a family that revolves around me doing the stuff that they don’t want to do or stuff they need: the nurturing, consoling, care and feeding of what are ostensibly 2 self-sufficient people– yet they don’t realize that I need that too.

Relatively recently, I was on blogtalkradio with Juneau and Xena talking about the need/nurture/requirement of friendships with other women, I had interviewed Shasta Nelson about that very topic and her website. While she is based in Calif, the areas for meet-ups with other women are few in my area and I am working hard to connect with others in my area –within a 30 min door to door range– for quick fixes of girlfriend time for listening, rants, raves, suggestions, problem solving as well as just enjoying company. I had that luxury the other day when meeting the lovely Rebecca from Caudalie which you will have hopefully read the Tim Quinn post about what to have to travel with beauty-wise. Rebecca saved my skincare. I couldn’t get to the nearest Armani counter– maybe in Kauai (maybe not!) but still, it was great to talk to someone in the biz who also has a lot of other things going on in her life

While this vacation is long overdue (several of the people I have email contact/work with about content all said it was a good thing since I really do work very hard. Funny that notion is that sometimes I don’t feel like I work enough or maybe it’s just not recognized by some. I am accomplishing something and stuff is happening) , I will be talking about stuff that’s going on in Kauai as well as great photo essays. What I am missing is that my friends–the girls–aren’t here so that we could do this together.. because we would have a blast. Imagine just hanging with the girls for afternoons and cocktails and heading out for dinner at wherever. It’s about fun–REAL fun where you aren’t so much about making others happy but about yourself -or myself –happy.

I just want to hang out and breathe. You will hear from me.. videos, photos and more essays like this. I found a waterfall in a magazine on Kauai I want to visit and I am going to do my darndest to find it– hopefully NOT a 2 hour hike. That is just not my speed. I type this in between bits of melting vanilla ice cream, cold fudge and nuts and wondering if the condo has WIFI or if I need a cable to plug access the net. It did say high speed internet access but who knows what high speed internet means and if wifi is available. I don’t want to spend an hour a day at an internet cafe every day — that’s for darn sure.

What I do want is to unravel my brain, sketch out a book proposal that doesn’t give so much content away that the agent/book company can do it by themselves. Version 4 has to happen and it needs to be concise but good. Outlines are great but it’s the photos and direction that make the book sizzle. Plus there the other book too.

Off to finish my ice cream. the melting puddle is beckoning me and I would love to have some champagne but soon enough I will land and head for the rental car, stash the luggage, hit the road, find a market and then check in so that we can settle in and maybe hit the pool.

All the while the husband is wondering if we can hit a bar to watch game 7 of the Lakers/Celtics NBA championship. And women wonder what’s going on in the minds of men. … and guys have no clue that women try to understand but they need to be met half way. Thanks to Juneau and Xena for a shot ( almost literally) of personal epiphany.. and to the PR peeps who have been saying– go have a great time. you work too hard.
I will be reading OTMOAL this trip and hope to finish it, but it’s one of those books that you take in bites and chew on it a bit.

Ladies.. realize this is for you too.

Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com

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