Fitness & Health Byte: Before You Jump Into Athletic Shoes or Program, Get to Physiquality!

Ok so now it’s July and here in LA, the forecast is just starting to talk about nice weather that makes you want to get outside. For other parts of the nation, you are either digging out under heavy rains or sweltering in high temps that prevent you from wanting to work out or slowed down your routine considerably.

No matter what, there’s no better time to start a fitness program than now. (Does that sound familiar? There was a video interview/post about this same topic), However before you tie on those lift those weights or put on work-out clothing consider hitting Physiquality for a physical assessment with a physical therapist to help you — or someone in your family (kids, significant other, siblings) about your fitness level and get guidance on strengths and areas that you need to improve.


There is a growing trend to getting a consult with a physical therapist that’s growing across the country. The benefits of getting fit with physical therapists – the body experts – is that they offer specialized programs way beyond rehab – from student athletes and sedentary baby boomers to people recovering from injuries. Despite these limitations, everyone can safely improve their fitness level and their overall health with physical therapists, the experts in how our bodies work, feel and move.

This trend is so popular that there is now a national health network of highly qualified, credentialed physical therapists, Physiquality (

I was able to snag an interview with Michael Weinper, MPH, PT to talk about Physiquality and what it offers.


Here are more reasons why PTs are this spring’s choice for fitness:

Trainers at many gyms lack the in-depth professional healthcare training to assess individuals’ needs, prevent injuries and adapt exercises for those with special medical conditions, such as arthritis or osteoporosis.

Physical therapists work with people of all ages, from newborns to septuagenarians, including people who have health-related conditions that may limit their abilities to move and function in their daily lives.

Because of their expertise with how the human body moves, PTs can teach people who have been sedentary to ease into exercise safely, and help people with previous injuries to avoid being re-injured.

Physiquality providers are members of PTPN, the nation’s first and largest outpatient network of PTs and OTs. PTPN has the highest quality standards for therapists in the rehabilitation industry.

Physiquality providers are located in 23 states:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
West Virginia

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