The Importance of Having a Circle of Girlfriends: Interview with Girlfriends Circle Founder, Shasta Nelson.

The popularity of Sex and the City 3 shouldn’t be lost on anyone today. It’s not so much about the fashions (goodness knows, it went way over the top– even for the characters).

When push came to shove, it was about the friendship and bond between these 4 women that no matter what was going on: kids, cancer, men, marriage, break-ups and break-downs, they were always there for one another. If you didn’t get that message from the movie, rent the DVD (or watch the series) and see it for what it is.. women supporting other women in meaningful friendships.

While the benefit of those fictional characters is that they all lived within about a 20 minute subway ride and that’s the curious part of this because as we have all adapted and adopted the internet, twitter, facebook and other networks as means to connecting, what happened to those people who are literally only a 30 minute drive away? Do you only see them online?

What’s happened in the advent of the internet as well as the lovely recession that we are living in is that some things got pushed to the back burner . While some have lost or changed jobs, gotten married or split up, moved to an area closer to work or for a new relationship, those female friendships have taken a beating just at a time when we need our friends most. Because no matter the economy, job, family obligations, you need to make time for yourself first if you are to be any good in any other segments of your life. Who better than your friends?

While virtual friends are great (and I have a slew of those); phone friendships (where I may have talked these virtual friends often); others who I know but live in other parts of the state or country make it pretty much a phone & email relationship. What happens in the here and now if you are in crisis or just need to hang out? What’s your plan, Stan? What’s your goal, Joel?

Shasta Nelson

Shasta Nelson ( life coach) has a goal & plan for you to have a healthy (= meaningful, vivid, lively) circle of friends. She has created

Podcast with Shasta Nelson

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