Thorn Clothing Creates Great Tees, Initiatives to Help Others & Local Event in So. Cal.

Thorn Clothing is a really unique brand. Not only fabulous tees, hoodies and hats for girls and guys in similar quality to those charging over $100 but for much less money. Looking at making high quality garments, Jake Sherley from Thorn Clothing wants to create great designs at an affordable prices.


As you read this post and scroll down to check out the different styles of shirts, note that these items top out at about $40!! This is such a bargain for high-quality tees with this kind of detailing.

Here’s the better part of this– and why there is a podcast with Jake: The initiatives that this brand pushes forward to help others. Currently it;s about clean water for people in Africa.

Buy a shirt and provide clean water for a person for a year! Fan them on Facebook and provide clean water for someone in Africa for a month– and you don’t have to spend any money to help support this drive.


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