What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Products I Used & Loved

Ok so this year I actually had two vacations. Nice job if you can swing it.. given that other than one trip to NY last year, I hadn’t been anywhere for about 4-5 years, that’s pretty darn good. (wait. I am not counting the 2 weekend trips to San Francisco.. both times with family.. and one was a real pain when we came home. Animal House party anyone?)

These were major vacations and stuff that I planned very carefully what to pack and what was going to be done since they were 8-10 days. You saw Hawaii..but in case you didn’t, since I was shooting most of the photos, here’s one of me someone else took


Upstate New York has yet to hit the blog but it’s coming. I have a ton of photos and even a couple of videos. Plus some interview time with Xena Princess Warrior, co-author of that wonderful book ” On the Meaning of Adam Lambert” and website. She traveled down to the burg where I was staying just to hang out on a boat with me and the NY BFF’s (D, Kathy, and other peeps)

This one isn’t on the boat — saving those for later– but this is a shot from inside a bar where a bunch of us traveled to the next little town and sat around drinking margaritas listening to 70’s, 80’s and 90’s tunes.

Anyway– back to the project at hand. I traveled considerably lighter on both trips because I knew that I would buy stuff. Didn’t buy as much ih Hawaii but I knew that beauty products are a premium there and I wanted great hair.. and hopefully you saw some photos or videos from the Kauai trip that showed off my hair. By the time I hit Skaneateles, my hair was in pretty darn good shape and it stayed that way despite every day (except 1) on a boat in the middle of a lake– and it was FUN. I did have a hat but I also drove around in a convertible and did a lot of walking in what was warmer weather than Los Angeles and the weather was all over the place with thunderstorms, humidity and lots of high temps too.

How did I manage to get my hair under control? I was pretty careful about what I took with me. I brought a couple brushes, a hair dryer, (left the flat iron at home), and took a few hair products– primarily from two lines.

Belegenza was a great one to use on almost a daily basis. It’s fabulous ingredient list was highly useful in both climates on both sides of the US and everywhere in between. It’s a celebrity favorite – particularly for shows shooting in NYC . You can check the site for who’s using it and know that Patrick McMillan the celebrity stylist carries it in his salon and uses it with great success.

Part of the Belegenza line

This great aloe-based line makes smart sense to travel with because it’s concentrated– meaning you don’t need big bottles of it, I just poured some of everything into smaller bottles and had more than enough for both trips. The only thing that’s not so concentrated and dilutable is VirgINity which is sprayed on after washing hair and you come it through and it repairs damage. ” Luv, luv, luv. I love this stuff. I understand that Alan’s got a new product for blondes seeking volume. (hands waving wildly in the air), can’t wait to see that.

This is a great line for home & travel and it’s minus the junk ingredients. It’s been on this blog before so check out the site. www.belegenza.com . You won’t be sorry

Belegenza is a must have and their range of products are killer — and now include skincare (can’t tell you much more than podcast on the blog I have done with Alan because I haven’t tried them). I know from the fastidious quality control that Alan has over his line that the skincare will be as truly effective as the hair care line.

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